ArcGISPoint class final

A location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates.

ArcGISPoint geometries represent discrete locations or entities, such as a geocoded house address, the location of a water meter in a water utility network, or a moving vehicle. Larger geographic entities (such as cities) are often represented as points on small-scale maps. Points can be used as the geometry of features and graphics and are often used to construct more complex geometries. They are also used in a Viewpoint to define the center of the display.

Points store a single set of x,y coordinates that define a location (longitude and latitude, for example), and a SpatialReference. Points can optionally have an ArcGISPoint.z (elevation or altitude) and ArcGISPoint.m (measure) attributes.

For points defined with a geographic spatial reference, the x-coordinate is the longitude (east or west), and the y-coordinate is the latitude (north or south). When geographic coordinates are represented in strings, points are generally written using the form "(latitude, longitude)", where the y-coordinate comes before the x-coordinate. Latitude values south of the equator and longitude values west of the prime meridian are expressed as negative numbers.

Use CoordinateFormatter to convert a latitude and longitude formatted string directly to an ArcGISPoint. The coordinate formatter can also return a latitude and longitude formatted string from an existing ArcGISPoint. Other coordinate notations, such as Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) and United States National Grid (USNG) are also supported.

Points are based upon the parent Geometry class. The geometry class is immutable which means that you can not change its shape once it is created. If you need to modify a point once it has been created, use the PointBuilder class instead. The GeometryBuilder.toGeometry method provides you with the point object.



ArcGISPoint({required double x, required double y, double? z, double? m, SpatialReference? spatialReference})
Creates a point with an x, y, z, m and a spatial reference.


dimension GeometryDimension
Indicates the dimensionality of a Geometry, relating to the number of spatial dimensions in which the geometry may have a size.
no setterinherited
extent Envelope
The minimum enclosing bounding-box (or Envelope) that covers the geometry.
no setterinherited
geometryType GeometryType
This indicates the type of geometrical shape it can represent, such as Envelope, Point or Polygon.
no setterinherited
hasCurves bool
True if this geometry contains curve segments, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasM bool
True if the geometry has m values (measure values), false otherwise.
no setterinherited
hasZ bool
True if the geometry has z-coordinate values, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
True if the geometry is empty, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
m double?
An optional coordinate to define a measure value for the point.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
spatialReference SpatialReference?
The spatial reference for this geometry.
no setterinherited
x double
The x-coordinate for the point.
no setter
y double
The y-coordinate for the point.
no setter
z double?
The z-coordinate for the point.
no setter


equalsWithTolerance({required Geometry right, required double tolerance}) bool
Checks if two geometries are approximately the same within the given tolerance.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON representation of this Object in the data type used by jsonDecode.
toJsonString() String
Returns a JSON representation of this Object as a String.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.