CubicBezierSegment constructor

  1. {required ArcGISPoint startPoint,
  2. required ArcGISPoint controlPoint1,
  3. required ArcGISPoint controlPoint2,
  4. required ArcGISPoint endPoint,
  5. required SpatialReference? spatialReference}

Creates a bezier segment based on a start and end point and two control points at tangents to the start and end points.

The spatial reference parameter is used if the points have a null spatial reference. If more than one spatial reference is supplied (as a parameter or as a property of an ArcGISPoint parameter), they must all be equal.

The z-value and m-value of the start and end points (if present) are used in the CubicBezierSegment. The z-value and m-value of the control points (if present) are ignored.


  • startPoint — The start point of the segment.
  • controlPoint1 — A point tangent to the start of the segment.
  • controlPoint2 — A point tangent to the end of the segment.
  • endPoint — The end point of the segment.
  • spatialReference — A spatial reference to use for the segment if the points do not have spatial references set.


factory CubicBezierSegment(
    {required ArcGISPoint startPoint,
    required ArcGISPoint controlPoint1,
    required ArcGISPoint controlPoint2,
    required ArcGISPoint endPoint,
    required SpatialReference? spatialReference}) {
  final handle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_CubicBezierSegment_create(
        spatialReference?._handle ?? ffi.nullptr,
  final CubicBezierSegment object = CubicBezierSegment._withHandle(handle);
  return object;