GeoViewController class final

A base class for all views that can display geographic content.

Subclasses can display the content in either 2D (ArcGISMapViewController) or 3D (SceneView). In an MVC architecture, this class and its subclasses represent the View tier. The Model tier is represented by GeoModel, which supplies the geographic content as a map (ArcGISMap) or a scene (ArcGISScene).

GeoViewController contains all the common operations and events that apply to displaying and working with maps and scenes. For example, you can change the viewable area by setting a Viewpoint, work with graphics in the GraphicsOverlay, and identify a GeoElement that displays in the view.

Implemented types


attributionText String
The attribution text for the data that is currently displayed in the GeoViewController.
no setter
drawStatus DrawStatus
The current drawing status of the content displayed in the GeoViewController.
no setter
graphicsOverlays List<GraphicsOverlay>
A collection of GraphicsOverlay objects used to display graphics on top of the view's content.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAttributionTextVisible bool
True if attribution text is visible in the GeoViewController, false otherwise.
getter/setter pair
isNavigating bool
True if the GeoViewController is animating a viewpoint change or a navigation gesture is in progress, otherwise false.
no setter
isWrapAroundEnabled bool
True if continuous panning across the international date line is enabled in the GeoViewController, false otherwise.
no setter
labeling ViewLabelProperties
The view label properties.
getter/setter pair
onAttributionChanged Stream<String>
Invokes the callback when the attribution text of the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onDrawStatusChanged Stream<DrawStatus>
Invokes the callback when the draw status of the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onLayerViewStateChanged Stream<({Layer layer, LayerViewState layerViewState})>
Invokes the callback when the layer view state of any layer in the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onNavigationChanged Stream<bool>
Invokes the callback when the navigation state of the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onSpatialReferenceChanged Stream<SpatialReference?>
Invokes the callback when the spatial reference of the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onTimeExtentChanged Stream<TimeExtent?>
Invokes the callback when the time extent of the GeoViewController changes.
no setter
onViewpointChanged Stream<void>
Invokes the callback when the viewpoint of the GeoViewController has changed.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectionProperties SelectionProperties
The selection properties for all graphic overlays and selectable layers within the GeoViewController.
getter/setter pair
spatialReference SpatialReference?
The spatial reference defines the coordinate system used by the map or scene in the GeoViewController.
no setter
timeExtent TimeExtent?
The current TimeExtent of the GeoViewController.
getter/setter pair


dispose() → void
This function cleans up properties of this controller before garbage collection happens. This function should be overriden by subclasses that have other properties that need to be cleaned up.
exportImage() Future<ArcGISImage>
Exports an image snapshot of the current GeoViewController.
exportImageCancelable() CancelableOperation<ArcGISImage>
Cancelable version of exportImage. See that method for more information.
getCurrentViewpoint({required ViewpointType viewpointType}) Viewpoint?
Retrieves the current Viewpoint of the GeoViewController.
getLayerViewState({required Layer layer}) LayerViewState?
Retrieves the layer's state in the GeoViewController.
identifyGraphicsOverlay(GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay, {required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResults = 1}) Future<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>
Identifies a limited number of graphics in the specified graphics overlay, at the given screen point.
identifyGraphicsOverlayCancelable(GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay, {required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResults = 1}) CancelableOperation<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>
Cancelable version of identifyGraphicsOverlay. See that method for more information.
identifyGraphicsOverlays({required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResultsPerOverlay = 1}) Future<List<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>>
Identifies a limited number of graphics in all graphics overlays, at the given screen point.
identifyGraphicsOverlaysCancelable({required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResultsPerOverlay = 1}) CancelableOperation<List<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>>
Cancelable version of identifyGraphicsOverlays. See that method for more information.
identifyLayer(Layer layer, {required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResults = 1}) Future<IdentifyLayerResult>
Identifies a limited number of geoelements in the specified layer or sublayer, at the given screen point.
identifyLayerCancelable(Layer layer, {required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResults = 1}) CancelableOperation<IdentifyLayerResult>
Cancelable version of identifyLayer. See that method for more information.
identifyLayers({required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResultsPerLayer = 1}) Future<List<IdentifyLayerResult>>
Identifies a limited number of geoelements at the given screen point, in each identifiable layer or sublayer in the GeoViewController's ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene.
identifyLayersCancelable({required Offset screenPoint, required double tolerance, int? maximumResultsPerLayer = 1}) CancelableOperation<List<IdentifyLayerResult>>
Cancelable version of identifyLayers. See that method for more information.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) Future<bool>
Sets the Viewpoint of the GeoViewController to the Bookmark.viewpoint.
setBookmarkCancelable(Bookmark bookmark) CancelableOperation<bool>
Cancelable version of setBookmark. See that method for more information.
setViewpoint(Viewpoint viewpoint) → void
Pan or zoom the GeoViewController to the specified Viewpoint location.
setViewpointAnimated(Viewpoint viewpoint, {double? duration}) Future<bool>
Pan or zoom the GeoViewController using animation to the specified Viewpoint location. Animation takes place over the specified duration.
setViewpointAnimatedCancelable(Viewpoint viewpoint, {double? duration}) CancelableOperation<bool>
Cancelable version of setViewpointAnimated. See that method for more information.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.