GeodatabaseSyncTask class final

A task to generate and synchronize a mobile geodatabase with a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.

Mobile geodatabases are designed for querying and viewing feature data when your app is offline. While offline, users can edit a mobile geodatabase locally and later synchronize changes with its feature service, assuming the associated service supports synchronization. While offline, the geodatabase keeps track of all local edits. When you synchronize the geodatabase with the service, the service receives the geodatabase's local edits, and the geodatabase receives the service's remote edits.

This task allows you to build apps that can download data from an ArcGIS feature service that has been enabled for offline use into a geodatabase. Here are the typical steps to download data from sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service into a geodatabase file on your device:

The geodatabase may contain feature layers, annotation layers, related records, non-spatial tables, and attachments. You can create, update, or delete this data according to the capabilities of the source feature service. The geodatabase is registered with the online feature service so that you can synchronize their data when a network connection to the feature service is available. Your app business logic will determine whether the synchronization just downloads changes from the feature service (, just uploads changes made to the geodatabase (SyncDirection.upload), or uploads and downloads changes (SyncDirection.bidirectional). Here are the typical steps to synchronize data between the geodatabase file and the source feature service:

When the geodatabase is no longer needed, you should unregister it to clean up the tracking metadata stored on the feature service. Unregistered geodatabases cannot be re-registered. Here are the steps to unregister a geodatabase:

There is another option for working with mobile geodatabases. You can place a copy of a sync-enabled geodatabase onto your device and register it with the associated service using GeodatabaseSyncTask.registerSyncEnabledGeodatabase. This will give the geodatabase its own replica ID and you will be able to synchronize the geodatabase with its service.

If you want to download a portion of a web map and its content, instead of individual ArcGIS feature services, consider using the OfflineMapTask. You can then synchronize all of the map's geodatabase content together using the OfflineMapSyncTask.

Implemented types
Mixed in types


GeodatabaseSyncTask.withUrl(Uri uri)
Creates a geodatabase sync task object using a URL to a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.


apiKey String
The API key allows your app to access ArcGIS location services and private portal items.
getter/setter pairoverride
featureServiceInfo ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo?
Metadata about the ArcGIS feature service.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
loadError ArcGISException?
The load error.
no setterinherited
loadStatus LoadStatus
The load status.
no setterinherited
onLoadStatusChanged Stream<LoadStatus>
A stream that reports changes to the LoadStatus.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
uri Uri
The URL of the ArcGIS feature service.
no setter


cancelLoad() → void
Cancels loading metadata for the object.
createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParameters({required Geometry extent}) Future<GenerateGeodatabaseParameters>
Creates default parameters to generate and download a geodatabase using the GenerateGeodatabaseJob.
createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParametersCancelable({required Geometry extent}) CancelableOperation<GenerateGeodatabaseParameters>
Cancelable version of createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParameters. See that method for more information.
createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParameters({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) Future<SyncGeodatabaseParameters>
Creates default parameters to synchronize a geodatabase using the SyncGeodatabaseJob.
createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParametersCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) CancelableOperation<SyncGeodatabaseParameters>
Cancelable version of createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParameters. See that method for more information.
createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParametersWithSyncDirection({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required SyncDirection syncDirection}) Future<SyncGeodatabaseParameters>
Creates default parameters for a sync geodatabase using the given sync direction.
createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParametersWithSyncDirectionCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required SyncDirection syncDirection}) CancelableOperation<SyncGeodatabaseParameters>
Cancelable version of createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParametersWithSyncDirection. See that method for more information.
generateGeodatabase({required GenerateGeodatabaseParameters parameters, required Uri pathToGeodatabaseFileUri}) GenerateGeodatabaseJob
Returns a job to generate and download a geodatabase from an ArcGIS feature service.
load() Future<void>
Loads the metadata for the object asynchronously.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerSyncEnabledGeodatabase({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) Future<void>
Registers a copy of a sync-enabled geodatabase with an ArcGIS feature service to allow the copy to sync changes.
registerSyncEnabledGeodatabaseCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of registerSyncEnabledGeodatabase. See that method for more information.
retryLoad() Future<void>
Loads or retries loading metadata for the object asynchronously.
syncGeodatabase({required SyncGeodatabaseParameters parameters, required Geodatabase geodatabase}) SyncGeodatabaseJob
Returns a job to synchronize a geodatabase back to its source ArcGIS feature service.
syncGeodatabaseWithSyncDirection({required SyncDirection syncDirection, required bool rollbackOnFailure, required Geodatabase geodatabase}) SyncGeodatabaseJob
Returns a job to synchronize a geodatabase back to its source ArcGIS feature service using the specified sync direction and rollback on failure boolean value.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unregisterGeodatabase({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) Future<void>
Unregisters a geodatabase from its source ArcGIS feature service. This removes the services replica id.
unregisterGeodatabaseCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase}) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of unregisterGeodatabase. See that method for more information.
unregisterGeodatabaseWithSyncId({required Guid syncId}) Future<void>
Unregisters a geodatabase from its source ArcGIS feature service using the geodatabases sync ID. This removes the services replica id.
unregisterGeodatabaseWithSyncIdCancelable({required Guid syncId}) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of unregisterGeodatabaseWithSyncId. See that method for more information.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

exportDelta({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required Uri outputUri}) Future<bool>
Generates an upload delta geodatabase file containing all the changes since the last sync.
exportDeltaCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required Uri outputUri}) CancelableOperation<bool>
Cancelable version of exportDelta. See that method for more information.
importDelta({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required Uri inputUri}) Future<List<SyncLayerResult>>
Imports a geodatabase delta and applies it to the given geodatabase.
importDeltaCancelable({required Geodatabase geodatabase, required Uri inputUri}) CancelableOperation<List<SyncLayerResult>>
Cancelable version of importDelta. See that method for more information.