distanceGeodetic static method

GeodeticDistanceResult distanceGeodetic(
  1. {required ArcGISPoint point1,
  2. required ArcGISPoint point2,
  3. LinearUnit? distanceUnit,
  4. AngularUnit? azimuthUnit,
  5. required GeodeticCurveType curveType}

Calculates the geodetic distance between two given points and calculates the azimuth at both points for the geodetic curve that connects the points.


  • point1 — A point object.
  • point2 — Another point object.
  • distanceUnit — The linear unit of measure for the returned results.
  • azimuthUnit — The angular unit of measure for the returned results.
  • curveType — The type of curve to calculate.

Return Value: A structure containing the distance and the azimuth at both points for the geodetic curve that connects them.


static GeodeticDistanceResult distanceGeodetic(
    {required ArcGISPoint point1,
    required ArcGISPoint point2,
    LinearUnit? distanceUnit,
    AngularUnit? azimuthUnit,
    required GeodeticCurveType curveType}) {
  final objectHandle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_GeometryEngine_distanceGeodetic(
        distanceUnit?._handle ?? ffi.nullptr,
        azimuthUnit?._handle ?? ffi.nullptr,
  return GeodeticDistanceResult._fromHandle(objectHandle)!;