reverseGeocode method

Future<List<GeocodeResult>> reverseGeocode(
  1. {required ArcGISPoint location,
  2. ReverseGeocodeParameters? parameters}

Finds address with parameters by location point.

Executes a reverse-geocoding operation to find address candidates for a given location.


  • location — The location point.
  • parameters — The reverse geocode parameters.

Return Value: A Future returning a List of GeocodeResult


Future<List<GeocodeResult>> reverseGeocode(
    {required ArcGISPoint location, ReverseGeocodeParameters? parameters}) {
  final taskHandle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_LocatorTask_reverseGeocodeCombined(_handle,
        location._handle, parameters?._handle ?? ffi.nullptr, errorHandler);
  return taskHandle.toFuture((element) => element.getValueAsList()!);