syncDirection property

SyncDirection syncDirection

The synchronization direction for geodatabases registered with feature services.

This property applies to any geodatabases that are registered for feature service synchronization. It does not apply to geodatabases which use scheduled updates.

The default value is SyncDirection.bidirectional.

If you select SyncDirection.upload, any download only geodatabases (e.g. with FeatureServiceCapabilities.supportsUpdate = false) will not be updated and you will receive an ArcGISExceptionType.mappingSyncDirectionUploadNotSupported error in the associated OfflineMapSyncResult.layerResults.


SyncDirection get syncDirection {
  final coreValue = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_OfflineMapSyncParameters_getSyncDirection(
        _handle, errorHandler);
  return SyncDirection._fromCoreValue(coreValue);
void syncDirection=(SyncDirection value)


set syncDirection(SyncDirection value) {
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
        _handle, value.coreValue, errorHandler);