PortalItemType enum

An enumeration of various types of portal items.





unknown → const PortalItemType

An unknown portal item type.

arcGISProAddIn → const PortalItemType

Pro Add In (esriaddinx).

arcPadPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcPad Package (zip).

cadDrawing → const PortalItemType

A Computer-Aided Design drawing comprised of a single file.

csv → const PortalItemType

A text file of data values separated by commas or other delimiters. Can be published as a feature service using the Portal API Publish call.

cityEngineWebScene → const PortalItemType

A city engine web scene.

codeAttachment → const PortalItemType

The sample code associated with an application whose purpose is code sample.

codeSample → const PortalItemType

A code sample.

colorSet → const PortalItemType

A color set.

desktopAddIn → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Add-In (esriaddin).

desktopApplication → const PortalItemType

Desktop Application (zip).

desktopApplicationTemplate → const PortalItemType

The Desktop Application Template (zip) includes either a desktop add in or a toolbar.exe.

desktopStyle → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro Style file (stylx).

Link to a web resource.

explorerAddIn → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Explorer Layer (eaz).

explorerLayer → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Explorer Layer (nmc).

explorerMap → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Explorer Document (nmf).

featureCollection → const PortalItemType

A feature collection is a saved web map feature layer with layer definition (types, symbols, fields, and so on) and a feature set (the actual features).

featureCollectionTemplate → const PortalItemType

A feature collection that includes the layer definition component.

featureService → const PortalItemType

A feature service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri). Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.

fileGeodatabase → const PortalItemType

File Geodatabase.

form → const PortalItemType

Form authored using Survey123.

geocodingService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Geocoding Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

geodataService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Geodata Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

geometryService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Geometry Service The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

geoprocessingPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Geoprocessing Package (gpk).

geoprocessingPackageProVersion → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Package (gpkx).

geoprocessingSample → const PortalItemType

Geoprocessing Sample.

geoprocessingService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

globeDocument → const PortalItemType

ArcGlobe Document (3dd).

globeService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Globe Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

image → const PortalItemType

Image Types (.jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .png).

imageCollection → const PortalItemType

A portable file that contains one or more images that can be published as an image service for imagery visualization and analysis.

imageService → const PortalItemType

An image service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri). Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.

insightsModel → const PortalItemType

Insights model records analysis steps on an insights pages, including adding and joining datasets, spatial analysis, data analytics and styling.

insightsPage → const PortalItemType

Insights Page resides in Insights Workbook, used to connect the data and analyze related content and themes with interactive visualization.

insightsWorkbook → const PortalItemType

Insights Workbook collects or associates all data and analytical activity for a project, capturing and maintaining relationships such as data locations and storing result layers, models, pages and cards.

iWorkKeynote → const PortalItemType

iWork Keynote file (.key).

iWorkNumbers → const PortalItemType

iWork Numbers file (.numbers).

iWorkPages → const PortalItemType

iWork Pages file (.pages).

kml → const PortalItemType

KML Network Link or KML file. If a file, then the data resource retrieves the file and can be used as a network link. If a network link, then the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri) contains the URL for the network link.

kmlCollection → const PortalItemType

A zip file containing a collection of KML/KMZ files.

layer → const PortalItemType

Layer File (lyr) or ArcGIS Pro layer file (lyrx).

layerPackage → const PortalItemType

Layer Package (lpk).

layout → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro Layout File (pagx).

locatorPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Locator Package (gcpk).

arcGISMapDocument → const PortalItemType

ArcMap Document (mxd).

arcGISMapPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Map Package (mpk).

arcGISMapService → const PortalItemType

A map service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri). Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.

arcGISMapTemplate → const PortalItemType

The Map Template (.zip) contains documentation, a map, and GDB folder.

microsoftExcel → const PortalItemType

Microsoft Excel Document (.xls, .xlsx).

microsoftPowerpoint → const PortalItemType

Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx).

microsoftWord → const PortalItemType

Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx).

mobileApplication → const PortalItemType

A mobile application. The URL to the application in the app store is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

mobileBasemapPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Mobile Basemap Package (.bpk).

mobileMapPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Mobile Map Package (mmpk).

nativeApplication → const PortalItemType

Native Application for ArcGIS AppStudio.

nativeApplicationInstaller → const PortalItemType

Native Application Installer for ArcGIS AppStudio.

nativeApplicationTemplate → const PortalItemType

Native Application Template for ArcGIS AppStudio.

netCdf → const PortalItemType

Self-describing, portable and scalable file format for storing multidimensional scientific data usable by GeoAnalytics tools.

networkAnalysisService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Network Analyst Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

operationView → const PortalItemType

An operation view.

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

operationsDashboardAddIn → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Operations Dashboard Add In (opdashboardaddin).

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

operationsDashboardExtension → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Operations Dashboard Extension.

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

pdf → const PortalItemType

Portable Document Format (.pdf).

projectPackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Project Package (ppkx).

projectTemplate → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Project Template (aptx).

proMap → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro map file (mapx).

publishedMap → const PortalItemType

ArcReader Document (pmf).

rasterFunctionTemplate → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro raster function template.

relationalDatabaseConnection → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS server relational catalog service. Item represents a connection to a database for the purpose of viewing, querying and analyzing its contents.

reportTemplate → const PortalItemType

Report template used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to generate custom reports.

rulePackage → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Rule Package (lpk).

arcGISSceneDocument → const PortalItemType

ArcScene Document (sxd).

arcGISScenePackage → const PortalItemType

Scene Layer Package (spk or slpk).

arcGISSceneService → const PortalItemType

Cached web layers that are optimized for displaying a large amount of 2D or 3D features.

serviceDefinition → const PortalItemType

A Service Definition that can be published to create a geo spatial web service using the Portal API Publish call.

shapeFile → const PortalItemType

A shape file.

statisticalDataCollection → const PortalItemType

Data collection used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to perform data aggregation with statistical feature data.

symbolSet → const PortalItemType

A symbol set.

taskFile → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Task File (esriTasks).

tilePackage → const PortalItemType

Tile Package (tpk).

vectorTilePackage → const PortalItemType

Vector Tile Package (.vtpk).

vectorTileService → const PortalItemType

A Vector Tile Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

visioDocument → const PortalItemType

Visio Document (.vsd).

vr360Experience → const PortalItemType

A 360-degrees virtual reality experience that lets you explore a set of connected geo-located panoramic 3D visualizations or photos.

wfs → const PortalItemType

OGC Web Feature Service. The URL of the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

wms → const PortalItemType

OGC Web Map Service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceURL property of the item (see PortalItem.serviceUri).

wmts → const PortalItemType

A WMTS Service.

webMap → const PortalItemType

A Web map.

webMappingApplication → const PortalItemType

A web mapping application.

webScene → const PortalItemType

Web scene.

windowsMobilePackage → const PortalItemType

A windows mobile package.

workflowManagerPackage → const PortalItemType

Workflow Manager Package (wpk)

workflowManagerService → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager Service.

workforceProject → const PortalItemType

Workforce Project.

sqliteGeodatabase → const PortalItemType

A runtime sqlite geodatabase.

arcGISMapArea → const PortalItemType

An offline map area defining a map created ahead-of-time.

hubInitiative → const PortalItemType

Initiatives organize data and tools with an organization goal.

hubSiteApplication → const PortalItemType

A customizable website that provides a focused view of an organization's items.

hubPage → const PortalItemType

Hub pages provide web site pages to market Hub Initiatives and provide chart and app content.

appBuilderExtension → const PortalItemType

AppBuilder Extension for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. URL that references custom widgets for use in Web AppBuilder apps within Portal.

appBuilderWidgetPackage → const PortalItemType

AppBuilder Widget Package for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Custom widget in a zip file that can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 or above.

dashboard → const PortalItemType

Dashboards integrate maps, lists, charts, and gauges that help monitoring and managing daily operations.

arcGISProConfiguration → const PortalItemType

A customization of Pro to include a custom splash screen and startup page as well as tools, dock panes, and menus.

contentCategorySet → const PortalItemType

Content category set is used as templates for creating the category set for an organization or a group.

insightsTheme → const PortalItemType

Insights Theme is a collection of properties set on cards and pages in an Insights Workbook.

mobileScenePackage → const PortalItemType

Mobile Scene Package (mspk)

orientedImageryCatalog → const PortalItemType

A collection of images stored as a catalog where data is added with specific parameters and auxiliary information to allow exploring non-nadir imagery on map and see the camera's field of view dynamically.

orthoMappingProject → const PortalItemType

Ortho mapping project.

orthoMappingTemplate → const PortalItemType

Ortho mapping template.

solution → const PortalItemType

A solution is comprised of one or more related items and groups that work together as part of a workflow. It can be deployed to create a new copy of all the items and groups that make up the solution.

buildingSceneLayer → const PortalItemType

Building scene layers allow users to visualize and query building information.

compactTilePackage → const PortalItemType

A tile package allows you to create a set of tiles (images) from a map, Raster or mosaic dataset, then use the set of tiles as a basemap in ArcGIS applications. (tpkx).

dataStore → const PortalItemType

For a given geodatabase or file share datastore, the datastore will be registered with Enterprise and will control who can see the datastore itself, enumerate datasets in it, and publish feature layers from it.

deepLearningPackage → const PortalItemType

Deep Learning model package (dlpk).

excaliburImageryProject → const PortalItemType

A collection of portal items that provides a focused user experience when working with imagery to accomplish an image-based workflows as handled by the ArcGIS Excalibur web app.

geoPackage → const PortalItemType

A GeoPackage is SQLite based containing both vector geospatial features and/or tile matrix sets.

mission → const PortalItemType

A collection of portal items that provides a focused user experience when working in this new product offering for mission focused, situational awareness.

siteApplication → const PortalItemType

The ArcGIS Enterprise Sites application creates this item. When viewed, users are able to interact with an Enterprise Site.

sitePage → const PortalItemType

The ArcGIS Enterprise Sites application creates this item. When viewed, users are able to interact with a page.

bigDataAnalytic → const PortalItemType

A component used by the ArcGIS Analytics for IoT application for processing high volumes of data.

feed → const PortalItemType

A component used by the ArcGIS Analytics for IoT application for bringing in a real-time data feed. Behaves like a stream layer when added to a map.

realTimeAnalytic → const PortalItemType

A component used by the ArcGIS Analytics for IoT application for processing real-time data. Includes references to data feeds, analytic operations, and destinations (outputs) where the results should be sent.

proReport → const PortalItemType

ArcGIS Pro Report File (rptx).

quickCaptureProject → const PortalItemType

A project created by the QuickCapture Designer tool for use by the QuickCapture mobile app.

survey123AddIn → const PortalItemType

Survey123 Add-Ins are created and published via Survey123 Connect and are downloaded and used by the Survey123 field app.

urbanModel → const PortalItemType

Contains all information needed to start up an Urban App including links to the Urban database services.

webExperience → const PortalItemType

An experience item created from Experience Builder for ArcGIS.

webExperienceTemplate → const PortalItemType

A template for a web experience, created from Experience Builder for ArcGIS.

storyMap → const PortalItemType

The next generation of StoryMap applications.

workflow → const PortalItemType

A collection of information (jobs, workflows, and configuration elements) supporting the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server.

insightsScript → const PortalItemType

An Insights Script is JSON that allows parameterized code created in the Insights console to be shared as an item and consumed in Insights in order for the user to run the script using different Insights data sets and fields as input parameters.

kernelGatewayConnection → const PortalItemType

A Kernel Gateway Connection is JSON that creates a connection string from Insights in order for the Insights console to connect and execute code against a Jupyter Kernel Gateway.

knowledgeGraph → const PortalItemType

A Knowledge Graph enables you to connect, open, and access graph data so that it can be used in Link Charts and Maps.

linkChart → const PortalItemType

A Link Chart enables you to visualize and perform link analysis using entities and relationships from a Knowledge Graph so that you may better understand their connectivity.

style → const PortalItemType

A webstyle item.

administrativeReport → const PortalItemType

An administrative report in CSV format that outlines various organization usage activities. This cannot be shared to the public.

exportPackage → const PortalItemType

A package that allows administrators or group owners to export a group, and its content, into a downloadable package (.epk file).

geoJson → const PortalItemType

An open standard geospatial data interchange format that represents simple geographic features and their nonspatial attributes. Based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.

gml → const PortalItemType

Geography Markup Language (GML) file (.zip). An XML grammar defined by the OGC for expressing geographical features, serving as both a modeling language and an interchange format.

hubEvent → const PortalItemType

A central premium capability within ArcGIS Hub Premium, empowering customers and their trusted community members to create, edit, and manage in-person/online events.

hubInitiativeTemplate → const PortalItemType

A package of multiple solutions related to a specific project or goal.

storyMapTheme → const PortalItemType

A set of fonts, colors, block styles, and other design elements that define the appearance of a StoryMap.

webAppBuilderWidget → const PortalItemType

A custom widget (available via marketplace) is a configurable and shareable functional unit for use in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. It will allow administrators to enable the use of a custom widget in Web AppBuilder UI so an organization can leverage the ArcGIS Online platform to host their applications.

earthConfiguration → const PortalItemType

An ArcGIS Earth configuration file is an exportable file containing all major settings in Earth. Earth users who have access to this file can customize the Earth settings by modifying this file. An Earth configuration file is saved as an .xml file. Users need to compress and zip the file before sharing. This zip file can be distributed and imported to Earth deployments.

ogcFeatureServer → const PortalItemType

Support to publish OGC API Features service.

ogc3DTilesService → const PortalItemType

An OGC 3D Tiles Service.


coreValue int
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<PortalItemType>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.