TextSymbol class final

Defines how text is displayed using characteristics such as font, size, color, and position.

To display text in an ArcGISMapViewController or SceneView, create a TextSymbol. Specify whether a string or attribute value is displayed by the TextSymbol.text. Define the appearance and position of the text using TextSymbol.color, TextSymbol.size, TextSymbol.fontStyle, or TextSymbol.verticalAlignment, for example. Position the text by applying it to a Graphic based on any type of geometry - point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon. Add the graphic to the GraphicsOverlay.graphics collection and add the GraphicsOverlay to the ArcGISMapViewController or SceneView collection of graphics overlays.

TextSymbol is also used to define the appearance of layer and grid based labels:

  • Layers such as FeatureLayer, ArcGISSceneLayer, or DynamicEntityLayer contain label definitions that specify how labels are displayed. You can use LabelDefinition.textSymbol to define a label appearance within a scale range. To display these labels, add a collection of these label definitions to a layer.
  • ArcGISMapViewController can display a coordinate system grid with specific label styles at different resolutions. You can define the appearance of these labels using Grid.setTextSymbol.


TextSymbol({String text = '', Color color = const Color(0xFF000000), double size = 8.0, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.center, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.middle})
Creates a text symbol with the given size, text, and color along with the horizontal and vertical alignment relative to the mid-point of this symbol.


angle double
The angle (in degrees) that the marker symbol is rotated by.
getter/setter pairinherited
angleAlignment SymbolAngleAlignment
Indicates whether the marker symbol is rotated relative to the screen or map.
getter/setter pairinherited
backgroundColor Color
The color for the text symbol background.
getter/setter pair
color Color
The color for the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
fontDecoration FontDecoration
The type of font decoration for the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
fontFamily String
The font family of the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
fontStyle FontStyle
The font style of the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
fontWeight ArcGISFontWeight
The font weight of the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
haloColor Color?
The color for the halo around the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
haloWidth double
The size of the halo around the text symbol in device-independent pixels (DIPs).
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
horizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment
The horizontal alignment of the text symbol relative to the symbol's mid-point location.
getter/setter pair
kerningEnabled bool
If kerning needs to be enabled. It is disabled by default.
getter/setter pair
leaderOffsetX double
The callout leader's X offset relative to the marker symbol.
getter/setter pairinherited
leaderOffsetY double
The callout leader's Y offset relative to the marker symbol.
getter/setter pairinherited
offsetX double
The offset X of the marker symbol relative to the graphic or feature's point geometry.
getter/setter pairinherited
offsetY double
The offset Y of the marker symbol relative to the graphic or feature's point geometry.
getter/setter pairinherited
outlineColor Color?
The color for the text symbol outline.
getter/setter pair
outlineWidth double
The width of the text symbol outline in device-independent pixels (DIPs).
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size double
The font size of the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
text String
The text of the text symbol.
getter/setter pair
verticalAlignment VerticalAlignment
The vertical alignment of the text symbol relative to the symbol's mid-point location.
getter/setter pair


clone() ArcGISSymbol
Clones the ArcGISSymbol.
createSwatch({required double screenScale, Size? size, Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent}) Future<ArcGISImage>
Creates a swatch image using the provided width, height, screen scale, and optional background color.
createSwatchCancelable({required double screenScale, Size? size, Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent}) CancelableOperation<ArcGISImage>
Cancelable version of createSwatch. See that method for more information.
createSwatchWithGeometry({required double screenScale, required Size size, required Geometry geometry, Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent}) Future<ArcGISImage>
Creates a swatch image using the provided geometry, width, height, screen scale, and optional background color.
createSwatchWithGeometryCancelable({required double screenScale, required Size size, required Geometry geometry, Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent}) CancelableOperation<ArcGISImage>
Cancelable version of createSwatchWithGeometry. See that method for more information.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON representation of this Object in the data type used by jsonDecode.
toJsonString() String
Returns a JSON representation of this Object as a String.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.