ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: AGSDashGeometricEffect Class Reference
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS  100.15
AGSDashGeometricEffect Class Reference


A Geometric effect object that transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps.

Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. An array of dash and gap distances (DIP values greater than 0) provides a template to be repeated throughout the line. A basic template consists of two distance values: the first defines the length of each dash and the second defines the length of each gap. More complex effects can be created by defining a template of multiple dashes and gaps. Template values are read as dash distance followed by gap distance throughout the pattern. Templates that contain an odd number of values will maintain the dash-gap pattern by restarting at the beginning of the template. A template of '3 2 1', for example, will be rendered as '3(dash) 2(gap) 1(dash) 3(gap) 2(dash) 1(gap) ...'. The default template is an empty array, which renders a solid line.

The gaps in a dash effect can be lost when 1) a small gap is defined and 2) a round or square cap style is applied. Because the cap style is applied to both ends of a dash, they can overlap over short distances and fill the gap. A butt style cap ends the stroke abruptly, so will not exhibit the issue.
Inheritance diagram for AGSDashGeometricEffect:
AGSGeometricEffect AGSObject

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithDashTemplate:
(BOOL) - isEqualToGeometricEffect:

Class Methods

(instancetype) + dashGeometricEffect
(instancetype) + dashGeometricEffectWithDashTemplate:


NSArray< NSNumber * > * dashTemplate
AGSGeometricEffectType type

Method Documentation

◆ dashGeometricEffect

+ (instancetype) dashGeometricEffect

Initializes a dash geometric effect.

Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. The default template is an empty array, which renders a solid line.

Initialized dash geometric effect

◆ dashGeometricEffectWithDashTemplate:

+ (instancetype) dashGeometricEffectWithDashTemplate: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  dashTemplate

Initializes a dash geometric effect using the provided template to define dashes and gaps.

Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. An array of dash and gap distances (non-negative DIP values) provides a template to be repeated throughout the line. A basic template consists of two distance values: the first defines the length of each dash and the second defines the length of each gap. More complex effects can be created by defining a template of multiple dashes and gaps. Template values are read as dash distance followed by gap distance throughout the pattern. Templates that contain an odd number of values will maintain the dash-gap pattern by restarting at the beginning of the template. A template of '3 2 1', for example will be rendered as '3(dash) 2(gap) 1(dash) 3(gap) 2(dash) 1(gap) ...'. The default template is an empty array, which renders a solid line.

dashTemplateAn array of NSNumber (doubles) defining dash and gap distances (DIPs) for the geometric effect.
Initialized dash geometric effect

◆ initWithDashTemplate:

- (instancetype) initWithDashTemplate: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  dashTemplate

Initializes a dash geometric effect using the provided template to define dashes and gaps.

Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. An array of dash and gap distances (non-negative DIP values) provides a template to be repeated throughout the line. A basic template consists of two distance values: the first defines the length of each dash and the second defines the length of each gap. More complex effects can be created by defining a template of multiple dashes and gaps. Template values are read as dash distance followed by gap distance throughout the pattern. Templates that contain an odd number of values will maintain the dash-gap pattern by restarting at the beginning of the template. A template of '3 2 1', for example will be rendered as '3(dash) 2(gap) 1(dash) 3(gap) 2(dash) 1(gap) ...'. The default template is an empty array, which renders a solid line.

dashTemplateAn array of NSNumber (doubles) defining dash and gap distances (DIPs) for the geometric effect.
Initialized dash geometric effect

◆ isEqualToGeometricEffect:

- (BOOL) isEqualToGeometricEffect: (AGSGeometricEffect *)  other

Compares whether this geometric effect is equal to another.

othergeometric effect to compare this one to.
Whether the two geometric effects are equal.

Property Documentation

◆ dashTemplate

- (NSArray<NSNumber*>*) dashTemplate

The template that defines dashes and gaps for the geometric effect.

Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. An array of dash and gap distances (non-negative DIP values) provides a template to be repeated throughout the line. A basic template consists of two distance values: the first defines the length of each dash and the second defines the length of each gap. More complex effects can be created by defining a template of multiple dashes and gaps. Template values are read as dash distance followed by gap distance throughout the pattern. Templates that contain an odd number of values will maintain the dash-gap pattern by restarting at the beginning of the template. A template of '3 2 1', for example will be rendered as '3(dash) 2(gap) 1(dash) 3(gap) 2(dash) 1(gap) ...'. The default template is an empty array, which renders a solid line. Adding any negative values to the collection returned by this function will cause an exception, as only values >= 0 are allowed in dash patterns.


◆ type

- (AGSGeometricEffectType) type

Type of the geometric effect
