ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: AGSMinMaxStretchParameters Class Reference
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS  100.15
AGSMinMaxStretchParameters Class Reference


Parameters to create a stretch renderer based on output min/max pixel values.

Instances of this class represent parameters that can be used to create an AGSStretchRenderer that applies a linear stretch based on the output minimum and output maximum pixel values which are used as the endpoints for the histogram.

Inheritance diagram for AGSMinMaxStretchParameters:
AGSStretchParameters AGSObject

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithMinValues:maxValues:

Class Methods

(instancetype) + minMaxStretchParametersWithMinValues:maxValues:


NSArray< NSNumber * > * maxValues
NSArray< NSNumber * > * minValues

Method Documentation

◆ initWithMinValues:maxValues:

- (instancetype) initWithMinValues: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  minValues
maxValues: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  maxValues 

Initialize the parameters with the provided values.

minValuesThe minimum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset lesser than this value will be pushed to the minimum end of the histogram.
maxValuesThe maximum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset greater than this value will be pushed to the maximum end of the histogram.

◆ minMaxStretchParametersWithMinValues:maxValues:

+ (instancetype) minMaxStretchParametersWithMinValues: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  minValues
maxValues: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *)  maxValues 

Initialize the parameters with the provided values.

minValuesThe minimum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset lesser than this value will be pushed to the maximum end of the histogram.
maxValuesThe maximum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset greater than this value will be pushed to the maximum end of the histogram.
The new parameters.

Property Documentation

◆ maxValues

- (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) maxValues

The maximum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset greater than this value will be pushed to the maximum end of the histogram.

For example: Consider an 8-bit raster containing pixel values in the range from 33 to 206, and you've defined a max of 50 and min of 180. The histogram will be redistributed to spread the values from 0 to 255, all values 33 to 50 becoming 0 and 180 to 206 becoming 255, with all other values spread in between.

The array must contain a max value for each band in the raster, the 0th element for the 0th band, and so on.


◆ minValues

- (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) minValues

The minimum pixel value which serves as an endpoint for the histogram used for the stretch. All pixel values in the dataset lesser than this value will be pushed to the maximum end of the histogram.

For example: Consider an 8-bit raster containing pixel values in the range from 33 to 206, and you've defined a max of 50 and min of 180. The histogram will be redistributed to spread the values from 0 to 255, all values 33 to 50 becoming 0 and 180 to 206 becoming 255, with all other values spread in between.

The array must contain a min value for each band in the raster, the 0th element for the 0th band, and so on.
