Class FeatureTable

All Implemented Interfaces:
Loadable, PopupSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArcGISFeatureTable, FeatureCollectionTable, GeoPackageFeatureTable, OgcFeatureCollectionTable, ShapefileFeatureTable, WfsFeatureTable

public abstract class FeatureTable extends Object implements Loadable, PopupSource
A table of features that typically represent real-world objects such as fire hydrants, roads, and forests.

This is the base class for a number of different feature tables, such as ServiceFeatureTable, FeatureCollectionTable, and GeoPackageFeatureTable.

The records in a feature table must all have geometry (shape and location) or have no geometry (just attribute values). If the records have geometry (hasGeometry() is true), you can display the features by creating a FeatureLayer from the feature table and adding the feature layer to the ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene's collection of operational layers (GeoModel.getOperationalLayers()).

FeatureTable provides methods for spatial and attribute querying (for example, queryFeaturesAsync(QueryParameters)), and methods to add, update, and delete features (such as addFeatureAsync(Feature), updateFeatureAsync(Feature), and deleteFeatureAsync(Feature)).

  • Property Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getExtent Link icon

      public Envelope getExtent()
      Gets the geographic extent of features within the table.

      This is calculated differently for specific types and modes of feature tables.

      the extent
      See Also:
    • getField Link icon

      public Field getField(String fieldName)
      Gets a field by its name. Field names can be viewed in this FeatureTable's service definition's HTML pages. This method is case-sensitive.
      fieldName - the field name
      the field
      IllegalArgumentException - if the input fieldName is null
    • getFields Link icon

      public List<Field> getFields()
      Gets the collection of Field objects representing the fields of the feature table.
      an unmodifiable list of Field objects representing the fields of the feature table
    • getGeometryType Link icon

      public GeometryType getGeometryType()
      Gets the type of geometry of the features stored in this table. Tables can only have a single type of Geometry, and it must be either GeometryType.POINT, GeometryType.MULTIPOINT, GeometryType.POLYLINE or GeometryType.POLYGON.

      If hasGeometry() is false, then the geometry type is GeometryType.UNKNOWN.

      the geometry type, or GeometryType.UNKNOWN if the table is not loaded
    • getLayer Link icon

      public Layer getLayer()
      Gets the layer that displays this table, if any.

      The Layer type depends on how the feature table is created. For example, a Layer will be an AnnotationLayer if the FeatureTable is created from a table that supports annotation. See Layer for more information about the supported layer types.

      The layer will be null if the feature table does not contain spatial features (where hasGeometry() is false).

      the layer that displays this table, if any, or null if none
    • getSpatialReference Link icon

      public SpatialReference getSpatialReference()
      Gets the spatial reference of the table.

      A spatial reference defines how the coordinates of a feature's Geometry correspond to locations in the real world. For more information, see the SpatialReference class or the Spatial references documentation.

      the spatial reference of the table, or null if none
    • getTableName Link icon

      public String getTableName()
      Gets the name of the table in the source dataset.
      the name of the table in the source dataset
    • hasGeometry Link icon

      public boolean hasGeometry()
      True if the feature table supports geographic features, false otherwise. If it doesn't, then it's a non-spatial table and can't be bound to a feature layer to draw on a map.
      true if the feature table supports geographic features, false otherwise
    • isEditable Link icon

      public boolean isEditable()
      Indicates if this FeatureTable is editable.

      Underlying file permissions (for subclasses such as ShapefileFeatureTable and GeodatabaseFeatureTable) can be changed while the feature table is open. In these cases the value of this property may not be accurate.

      true if this feature table is editable, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getTotalFeatureCount Link icon

      public long getTotalFeatureCount()
      Gets the total number of features in this FeatureTable.

      If all the features are stored in the local table, for example with a GeodatabaseFeatureTable or a ShapefileFeatureTable, then getTotalFeatureCount() will return the full number of features.

      If the table is created from a service, for example, ServiceFeatureTable or WfsFeatureTable, the getTotalFeatureCount() will only return the number of features in the local table cache. You need to populate the local table cache to return a value for getTotalFeatureCount(). Do this by rendering the features in an ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene with a FeatureLayer, or by querying the feature table. Consider the feature table's ServiceFeatureTable.FeatureRequestMode in both cases. See ServiceFeatureTable or WfsFeatureTable for more information. If you want to return the full number of features in the service, execute queryFeatureCountAsync(QueryParameters) and pass "1=1" to the QueryParameters.getWhereClause().

      the number of features in the table
    • getPopupDefinition Link icon

      public PopupDefinition getPopupDefinition()
      Gets the PopupDefinition for this feature table.
      Specified by:
      getPopupDefinition in interface PopupSource
      the popup definition, or null if one is not defined and one has not been set
      See Also:
    • isPopupEnabled Link icon

      public boolean isPopupEnabled()
      Gets a flag indicating whether the PopupDefinition returned from getPopupDefinition() is enabled or disabled.
      Specified by:
      isPopupEnabled in interface PopupSource
      a flag indicating whether the PopupDefinition is enabled or disabled
      See Also:
    • setPopupDefinition Link icon

      public void setPopupDefinition(PopupDefinition popupDefinition)
      Sets the PopupDefinition for this feature table, overriding the previous one. If this table is attached to a layer then the popup definition on the layer will also be overridden.
      Specified by:
      setPopupDefinition in interface PopupSource
      popupDefinition - the PopupDefinition to set
      See Also:
    • setPopupEnabled Link icon

      public void setPopupEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating whether the PopupDefinition returned from getPopupDefinition() is enabled or disabled.
      Specified by:
      setPopupEnabled in interface PopupSource
      enabled - true to enable the PopupDefinition, otherwise false
      See Also:
    • queryFeaturesAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<FeatureQueryResult> queryFeaturesAsync(QueryParameters queryParameters)
      Asynchronously queries features in this FeatureTable.
      queryParameters - the query parameters
      a ListenableFuture representing the feature query result and indicating if the result java.util.concurrent.Future.isDone(); also allows cancellation. Calling get() on the returned future may throw an ExecutionException with its cause set to IOException if a network request fails
      IllegalArgumentException - if queryParameters is null
    • canAdd Link icon

      public boolean canAdd()
      Determines whether you can add new features to the table.

      For ArcGISFeatureTables this takes the table's edit capabilities (for attachments and geometry) into account as well as ownership based access control based on the tables metadata from its layer info ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

      Although this method may state that the table allows new features to be added, the application may not be licensed to permit this. For example, a user cannot add features to a secured feature table if the application is licensed at the Lite level (LicenseLevel.LITE).

      true if you can add features to the table, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • canEditGeometry Link icon

      public boolean canEditGeometry()
      Determines whether you can edit the geometry field in a table.

      For ArcGISFeatureTables this is based on the tables metadata from ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.isAllowGeometryUpdates().

      Although this method may state that the table allows geometry fields to be edited, the application may not be licensed to permit this. For example, a user cannot update geometry in a secured feature table if the application is licensed at the Lite level (LicenseLevel.LITE).

      true if you can edit the geometry field, false if you can't edit the geometry field or an error occurred
      See Also:
    • canDelete Link icon

      public boolean canDelete(Feature feature)
      Determines whether you can delete the feature from the table.

      For ArcGISFeatureTables this takes the table's edit capabilities (for attachments and geometry) into account as well as ownership based access control based on the tables metadata from its layer info ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

      If owner based access control is being used, this method will also take account of the current user. Deletion will be allowed if one of the following is true:

      • allowOthersToDelete is true
      • allowOthersToDelete is false but the current user matches the user who created the feature

      Although this method may state that the table allows the feature to be deleted, the application may not be licensed to permit this. For example, a user cannot delete features from a secured feature table if the application is licensed at the Lite level (LicenseLevel.LITE).

      feature - the feature to check
      true if the feature can be deleted, false if the feature can't be deleted or an error occurred
      IllegalArgumentException - if feature is null
    • canUpdate Link icon

      public boolean canUpdate(Feature feature)
      Determines whether you can update the feature in the table. This validates that attributes of the feature are of the corresponding type based on the field type, see Field.Type.

      For ArcGISFeatureTables this takes the table's edit capabilities (for attachments and geometry) into account as well as ownership based access control based on the tables metadata from its layer info ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

      If owner based access control is being used, this method will also take account of the current user. Updates will be allowed if one of the following is true:

      • allowOthersToUpdate is true
      • allowOthersToUpdate is false but the current user matches the user who created the feature

      Although this method may state that the table allows the feature to be updated, the application may not be licensed to permit this. For example, a user cannot update features in a secured feature table if the application is licensed at the Lite level (LicenseLevel.LITE).

      feature - the feature to check
      true if feature can be updated; false otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if feature is null
    • addFeatureAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> addFeatureAsync(Feature feature)
      Adds a feature to the table.

      Adding a feature that contains a Geometry causes the geometry to become simplified. This may change a single part geometry to a multipart geometry, or round off X, Y, Z, and M coordinate values that are above the resolution set by the SpatialReference.

      Adding a feature to a GeodatabaseFeatureTable in a stand-alone mobile geodatabase created with ArcGIS Pro is not supported when the table participates in a controller dataset, such as a utility network or parcel fabric. Use canAdd() to determine if this operation is allowed.

      feature - the feature
      a ListenableFuture that has no return value
      IllegalArgumentException - if feature is null
      See Also:
    • addFeaturesAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> addFeaturesAsync(Iterable<Feature> features)
      Adds features to the table.
      features - the features to be added
      a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done. The get() method on this ListenableFuture may throw an ExecutionException if the operation fails.
      IllegalArgumentException - if features is null
    • updateFeatureAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> updateFeatureAsync(Feature feature)
      Updates a feature in the table.

      If you update a feature that contains a Geometry, the geometry becomes simplified. This may change a single part geometry to a multipart geometry, or round X, Y, Z, and M coordinate values that are above the resolution set by the SpatialReference.

      Updating a feature from a GeodatabaseFeatureTable in a stand-alone mobile geodatabase created with ArcGIS Pro is not supported when the table participates in a controller dataset, such as a utility network or parcel fabric. Use canUpdate(Feature) to determine if this operation is allowed.

      feature - the feature
      a ListenableFuture that has no return value
      IllegalArgumentException - if feature is null
      See Also:
    • updateFeaturesAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> updateFeaturesAsync(Iterable<Feature> features)
      Updates the geometry and/or attributes of features. Features to update are identified by their unique feature ID in the given list.

      All values in the feature passed in will be persisted, including null values.

      features - the features to be updated
      a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done. The get() method on this ListenableFuture may throw an ExecutionException if the operation fails.
      IllegalArgumentException - if features is null
    • deleteFeatureAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> deleteFeatureAsync(Feature feature)
      Deletes a feature from the table.

      Deleting a feature from a GeodatabaseFeatureTable in a stand-alone mobile geodatabase created with ArcGIS Pro is not supported when the table participates in a controller dataset, such as a utility network or parcel fabric. Use canDelete(Feature) to determine if this operation is allowed.

      feature - the feature
      a ListenableFuture that has no return value
      IllegalArgumentException - if feature is null
      See Also:
    • deleteFeaturesAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Void> deleteFeaturesAsync(Iterable<Feature> features)
      Deletes features from this feature table. Features to delete are identified by their unique feature ID in the given list.
      features - the features to be deleted
      a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done. The get() method on this ListenableFuture may throw an ExecutionException if the operation fails.
      IllegalArgumentException - if features is null
    • createFeature Link icon

      public Feature createFeature()
      Creates a new empty feature.

      The new feature is only available in memory at this point. Execute addFeatureAsync(Feature) to commit the new Feature to the table.

      a Feature
    • createFeature Link icon

      public Feature createFeature(Map<String,Object> attributes, Geometry geometry)
      Creates a new feature with the provided attribute values and, optionally, geometry.

      The new feature is only available in memory at this point. Execute addFeatureAsync(Feature) to commit the new Feature to the table.

      attributes - attributes for the feature
      geometry - geometry of the feature, may be null
      a Feature
    • queryStatisticsAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<StatisticsQueryResult> queryStatisticsAsync(StatisticsQueryParameters statisticsQueryParameters)
      Performs an asynchronous query to calculate statistics for the fields defined in the statistics query parameter, which may also define fields on which results are grouped or sorted.

      The statistic result can be obtained by calling the get() method on the ListenableFuture, which may throw an exception if the operation failed, was cancelled or interrupted.

      statisticsQueryParameters - defines the statistics type, fields, and features to be used for the query
      A task that represents the asynchronous query statistics operation. It is a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done and getting a StatisticsQueryResult as a result.
      IllegalArgumentException - if statisticsQueryParameters is null
    • queryFeatureCountAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Long> queryFeatureCountAsync(QueryParameters queryParameters)
      Asynchronously queries the number of features that satisfy the provided query parameters.

      The query result can be obtained by calling the get() method on the ListenableFuture, which may throw an exception if the operation failed, was cancelled or interrupted.

      queryParameters - the query parameters
      A task that represents the asynchronous query of feature count. It is a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done and getting a Long value.
      IllegalArgumentException - if queryParameters is null
    • queryExtentAsync Link icon

      public ListenableFuture<Envelope> queryExtentAsync(QueryParameters queryParameters)
      Asynchronously queries the minimum bounding envelope that contains features satisfying the provided queryParameters. If no features meet the query criteria, an empty envelope is returned.

      The query result can be obtained by calling the get() method on the ListenableFuture, which may throw an exception if the operation failed, was cancelled or interrupted.

      queryParameters - the query queryParameters
      A task that represents the asynchronous query of feature extent. It is a ListenableFuture for tracking when the asynchronous operation is done and getting an Envelope.
      IllegalArgumentException - if queryParameters is null
    • hasZ Link icon

      public boolean hasZ()
      True if the feature table supports geometries with Z values, false otherwise.
      true if the feature table supports geometries with Z values, false otherwise
    • hasM Link icon

      public boolean hasM()
      True if the feature table supports geometries with M values, false otherwise.
      true if the feature table supports geometries with M values, false otherwise
    • setDisplayName Link icon

      public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
      Sets a user-friendly name that can be displayed in the UI (for example, in a Table of Contents).

      If the table is displayed with a FeatureLayer, the getDisplayName() is used as the Layer.getName().

      displayName - a user-friendly name that can be displayed in the UI (for example, in a Table of Contents)
    • getDisplayName Link icon

      public String getDisplayName()
      Gets a user-friendly name that can be displayed in the UI (for example, in a Table of Contents).

      If the table is displayed with a FeatureLayer, the display name is used as the Layer.getName().

      The default value is getTableName().

      a user-friendly name that can be displayed in the UI (for example, in a Table of Contents)
    • getLoadError Link icon

      public ArcGISRuntimeException getLoadError()
      Gets the value of the loadError property.
      Specified by:
      getLoadError in interface Loadable
      Property description:
      the value of the loadError property
      See Also:
    • getLoadStatus Link icon

      public LoadStatus getLoadStatus()
      Gets the value of the loadStatus property.
      Specified by:
      getLoadStatus in interface Loadable
      Property description:
      the value of the loadStatus property
      See Also:
    • loadAsync Link icon

      public void loadAsync()
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Loads the metadata of the loadable resource asynchronously.

      The load status changes from LoadStatus.NOT_LOADED to LoadStatus.LOADING. A listener can be added via Loadable.addDoneLoadingListener(java.lang.Runnable) that is invoked upon completion of the asynchronous load operation.

      If the load operation completes successfully, the load status will be LoadStatus.LOADED, which means the resource has loaded its metadata.

      If the load operation failed, the load status will be LoadStatus.FAILED_TO_LOAD and the error can be retrieved by calling Loadable.getLoadError().

      This method can be called concurrently and repeatedly, but only one attempt is ever made to perform the load operation. If a load operation is already in progress (LoadStatus.LOADING state) when loadAsync is called, it simply piggy-backs on the outstanding operation and the done loading listener added to the loadable resource is enqueued to be invoked when that operation completes. If the operation has already completed (LoadStatus.LOADED or LoadStatus.FAILED_TO_LOAD state) when loadAsync is called, the done loading listener is immediately invoked when added to the loadable resource.

      If a loadable resource has failed to load, calling loadAsync on it subsequently will not change its state. The done loading listener will be invoked immediately when added to the loadable resource. In order to retry loading the resource, Loadable.retryLoadAsync() needs to be used.

      A load operation that is in progress (LoadStatus.LOADING state) can be cancelled by calling Loadable.cancelLoad().

      Specified by:
      loadAsync in interface Loadable
    • retryLoadAsync Link icon

      public void retryLoadAsync()
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Loads or retries loading metadata for the object asynchronously.

      Will retry loading the metadata if the object's load status is LoadStatus.FAILED_TO_LOAD. Will load the object if it is not loaded. Will not retry to load the object if the object is loaded.

      For more details on the load process see Loadable.loadAsync().

      Specified by:
      retryLoadAsync in interface Loadable
    • cancelLoad Link icon

      public void cancelLoad()
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Cancels loading metadata for the object.

      Cancels loading the metadata if the object is loading, and always invokes the done loading listener.

      A load operation that is in progress (LoadStatus.LOADING state) can be cancelled by calling this method and the resource will transition from LoadStatus.LOADING to LoadStatus.FAILED_TO_LOAD state. If the load operation was successfully cancelled, a CancellationException will be returned from Loadable.getLoadError().

      Cancellation should be used carefully because all enqueued done loading listeners for that resource instance will get invoked with an error stating that the operation was cancelled. Thus, one component in the application can cancel the load operation initiated by other components.

      This method does nothing if the resource is not in LoadStatus.LOADING state.

      Specified by:
      cancelLoad in interface Loadable
    • addDoneLoadingListener Link icon

      public void addDoneLoadingListener(Runnable listener)
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Adds a listener to the loadable resource that is invoked when loading has completed.

      The listener may be added at any point, whether the loadable resource has already completed loading or not.

      • For resources that are not loaded when the listener is added (LoadStatus is NOT_LOADED or LOADING): When the resource completes loading, the listener will be invoked on the UI thread if it is added from the UI thread, otherwise it is not guaranteed on which thread the listener is invoked.
      • For resources that are already loaded when the listener is added (LoadStatus is LOADED or FAILED_TO_LOAD): The listener will be called immediately, on the current thread.

      Alternatively, to be notified when there is any change in the load status, add a listener to the Loadable.loadStatusProperty() instead.

      Specified by:
      addDoneLoadingListener in interface Loadable
      listener - a Runnable that is invoked upon completion of the load operation
    • removeDoneLoadingListener Link icon

      public boolean removeDoneLoadingListener(Runnable listener)
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Removes a done loading listener from the loadable resource.
      Specified by:
      removeDoneLoadingListener in interface Loadable
      listener - the listener to be removed
      true if the listener was removed, otherwise false
    • addLoadStatusChangedListener Link icon

      public void addLoadStatusChangedListener(LoadStatusChangedListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Adds a LoadStatusChangedListener to the loadable resource that is invoked whenever the load status changes.

      Adding this listener on the UI thread will cause it to be invoked on the UI thread, otherwise it is not guaranteed on which thread the listener is invoked.

      The listener will not be called if added to a loadable resource that has already completed loading. To be notified when a loadable resource has completed loading, including if the resource is already loaded when the listener is added, use the Loadable.addDoneLoadingListener(Runnable) method.

      Specified by:
      addLoadStatusChangedListener in interface Loadable
      listener - the LoadStatusChangedListener to be added
    • removeLoadStatusChangedListener Link icon

      public boolean removeLoadStatusChangedListener(LoadStatusChangedListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      Removes a LoadStatusChangedListener from the loadable resource.
      Specified by:
      removeLoadStatusChangedListener in interface Loadable
      listener - the LoadStatusChangedListener to be removed
      true if the listener was removed, otherwise false
    • loadStatusProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<LoadStatus> loadStatusProperty()
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      The load status.
      Specified by:
      loadStatusProperty in interface Loadable
      the loadStatus property
      See Also:
    • loadErrorProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<ArcGISRuntimeException> loadErrorProperty()
      Description copied from interface: Loadable
      The load error.
      Specified by:
      loadErrorProperty in interface Loadable
      the loadError property
      See Also: