Class ImmutablePart

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Segment>, Collection<Segment>, List<Segment>, SequencedCollection<Segment>

public final class ImmutablePart extends AbstractList<Segment>
Represents an immutable collection of Segments that define the shape of a part of an immutable Multipart geometry - Polygon or Polyline. Point-based helper methods also allow working with the part as a series of Points.

Use Multipart.getParts() to return an ImmutablePartCollection, which can then be used to iterate through the Segments and Points in each ImmutablePart. Use java.util.AbstractList.iterator() or getPoints() to return an iterator, or use get(int) or getPoint(int) to access each specific Segment or Point.

Because geometries themselves are immutable, the collections they are composed of are also immutable. For geometry editing or creation workflows, a mutable Part is used instead. Part has constructors that take an ImmutablePart (among other options), allowing the creation of new geometry parts from existing parts.

For more information about using geometries, see the 'Fundamentals' > 'Geometries' topic in the Guide.

Prior to v100.12, the only supported segment type was LineSegment. If the underlying geometry contained curve segments (Geometry.hasCurves() is true), then the curve information was lost when iterating through the segments in that part.

From v100.12, curve segments may be returned from get(int). A part may contain a mix of linear and curve segments.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSpatialReference Link icon

      public SpatialReference getSpatialReference()
      Gets the SpatialReference of the geometries in this ImmutablePart. The SpatialReference defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world. May be null.
      the SpatialReference of the geometries in this ImmutablePart
    • get Link icon

      public Segment get(int index)
      Gets the Segment at the given index position in this ImmutablePart.

      To work with the Part as a series of Points, use getPoint(int) and getPointCount() instead.

      Specified by:
      get in interface List<Segment>
      Specified by:
      get in class AbstractList<Segment>
      index - the index of the Segment to return
      the Segment at the given index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index < 0 || index >= size()
    • indexOf Link icon

      public int indexOf(Object o)
      Specified by:
      indexOf in interface List<Segment>
      indexOf in class AbstractList<Segment>
    • size Link icon

      public int size()
      Returns the number of Segments in this ImmutablePart. Use this to find the maximum index for calling get(int).

      An ImmutablePart can also be represented by a set of Points representing each vertex; the getPointCount method returns the number of Points in the ImmutablePart. See getPointCount() for an explanation of how the two relate.

      Specified by:
      size in interface Collection<Segment>
      Specified by:
      size in interface List<Segment>
      Specified by:
      size in class AbstractCollection<Segment>
      See Also:
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Collection<Segment>
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface List<Segment>
      isEmpty in class AbstractCollection<Segment>
    • contains Link icon

      public boolean contains(Object o)
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Collection<Segment>
      Specified by:
      contains in interface List<Segment>
      contains in class AbstractCollection<Segment>
    • getStartPoint Link icon

      public Point getStartPoint()
      Gets a Point representing the start of the first Segment of the ImmutablePart. This is a shortcut to getting the first Segment in the ImmutablePart, then getting its start point using Segment.getStartPoint(), or getting the first Point using getPoint(int).
      a Point representing the start point
      See Also:
    • getEndPoint Link icon

      public Point getEndPoint()
      Gets a Point representing the end of the last Segment of the ImmutablePart. This is a shortcut to getting the last Segment in the ImmutablePart, then getting its end point using Segment.getEndPoint(), or getting the last Point using getPoint(int).
      a Point representing the end point
      See Also:
    • getPoints Link icon

      public Iterable<Point> getPoints()
      Gets an iterator of Points representing the ends of the Segments in this ImmutablePart (the vertices in the shape).

      In ImmutableParts, adjacent segments always share a start and end location (there is no gap between the segments), and this is represented by a single Point in this iterator.

      an iterator of Points
    • getPoint Link icon

      public Point getPoint(int index)
      Gets the Point at the given index in the ImmutablePart. Use getPointCount() to determine the maximum possible index.

      The vertices of a Multipart geometry can be represented as a series of Points, which can be accessed using this method, or by the getPoints() iterator. If the geometry contains curves, this cannot be represented by points; segment-based methods such as get(int) and java.util.AbstractList.iterator() may be more appropriate instead.

      index - the index of the Point to get
      the Point at the given index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= getPointCount())
    • getPointCount Link icon

      public int getPointCount()
      Returns the number of Points in the ImmutablePart, representing the number of vertices in the shape. Use this to find the maximum index for calling getPoint(int).

      For Polylines, this number is one greater than the number of Segments in this ImmutablePart (size()), but for Polygons it equals the number of Segments.

      Where two adjacent segments share a start and end location (there is no gap between the segments), this is represented by a single Point. Gaps are eliminated when geometries are built using the GeometryBuilder.toGeometry() method. Completed Multipart geometries do not have gaps between the segments of a part, but separate ImmutableParts may be disjoint.

      the number of Points in the ImmutablePart
      See Also:
    • hasCurves Link icon

      public boolean hasCurves()
      Indicates if this ImmutablePart contains Segments that represent true curves.

      The ArcGIS system supports polygon and polyline geometries that contain curved segments in some types of data, for example geodatabases, feature services, and JSON. At the current release this SDK can display curved geometries, but you cannot work with curves using the API; any curved segments in a geometry will be represented as LineSegments, and the curve information will be lost. In editing workflows, use this method to determine if this ImmutablePart contains curve information which would be lost if used in an editing workflow.

      Prior to v100.12, if this property returned true, there was no way to access the curve segment information contained by the part. Retrieving the Segment instances of the part would return only LineSegment instances.

      From v100.12, when this property returns true, curve segments may be returned from get(int). A part may contain a mix of linear and curve segments.

      true if this ImmutablePart contains curved segments; false otherwise
    • getSegmentIndexFromStartPointIndex Link icon

      public int getSegmentIndexFromStartPointIndex(int startPointIndex)
      Gets the index of the segment that has a given start point.
      startPointIndex - the 0-based index of the start point
      the segment index containing the start point. If point is not a start point, then -1 is returned.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if startPointIndex is out of bounds
    • getSegmentIndexFromEndPointIndex Link icon

      public int getSegmentIndexFromEndPointIndex(int endPointIndex)
      Gets the index of the segment that has a given end point.
      endPointIndex - the 0-based index of the end point
      the segment index containing the end point. If the point index is not an end point, then -1 is returned.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if endPointIndex is out of bounds
    • getStartPointIndexFromSegmentIndex Link icon

      public int getStartPointIndexFromSegmentIndex(int segmentIndex)
      Gets the index of the start point of a segment.
      segmentIndex - the 0-based index of the segment
      the index of the start point
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if segmentIndex is out of bounds
    • getEndPointIndexFromSegmentIndex Link icon

      public int getEndPointIndexFromSegmentIndex(int segmentIndex)
      Gets the index of the end point of a segment.
      segmentIndex - the 0-based index of the segment
      the index of the end point
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if segmentIndex is out of bounds