Interface GeoElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateGeoElement, ArcGISFeature, DynamicEntity, DynamicEntityObservation, EncFeature, Feature, Graphic, KmlPlacemark, RasterCell, WmsFeature

public interface GeoElement
An abstract representation of geographic entities in a map, scene, map view or scene view.

Each geographic entity can possess geometry, to describe the location and shape of the entity, and a set of attributes to provide information about the real-world entity it represents. For example, a feature in a feature layer, a graphic in a graphics overlay, and a raster cell in a raster layer are represented by the Feature, Graphic, and RasterCell classes. Each class inherits from GeoElement.

Operations that identify all the layers in a map or scene, such as GeoView.identifyLayersAsync(Point2D, double, boolean), can return a collection of IdentifyLayerResult objects. You can obtain the various types of GeoElement objects using IdentifyLayerResult.getElements().

See Also:
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the attributes of the GeoElement as a collection of name/value pairs.
    Gets the geometry which defines the shape and location of the GeoElement.
    Sets the geometry defines the shape and location of the GeoElement.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getAttributes Link icon

      Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Gets the attributes of the GeoElement as a collection of name/value pairs.

      Attribute values are returned as Object instances, but the underlying value type is based on the Field.Type.

      the attributes of the GeoElement as a collection of name/value pairs
    • getGeometry Link icon

      Geometry getGeometry()
      Gets the geometry which defines the shape and location of the GeoElement.
      the geometry defines the shape and location of the GeoElement, or null if none
    • setGeometry Link icon

      void setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
      Sets the geometry defines the shape and location of the GeoElement.
      geometry - the geometry defines the shape and location of the GeoElement