Enum Class LayerViewStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<LayerViewStatus>, Constable

public enum LayerViewStatus extends Enum<LayerViewStatus>
The status of a layer in the GeoView.

This status is used to determine if a layer is displaying in a GeoView or whether it is still loading, not visible, out of scale, or has encountered an error or warning. Each layer can have multiple states at the same time. For example, a layer could be both NOT_VISIBLE and OUT_OF_SCALE or it could be NOT_VISIBLE and LOADING. These multiple states are represented using a flag enumeration.

A status of ACTIVE indicates that the layer is displayed in the view. Note that some of the layer view states are not possible together. For example, a layer cannot be both ACTIVE and NOT_VISIBLE at the same time.

If you implement a layer list in a table of contents (TOC), you can use the layer view status to manage the TOC user interface. For example, you could gray out the layer if it is OUT_OF_SCALE, or you could show a spinning icon if the layer is LOADING. If the layer list contains a GroupLayer that is NOT_VISIBLE, then its child layers will be NOT_VISIBLE. If the GroupLayer is visible, then each child layer can be either visible or NOT_VISIBLE.

If the layer completely fails to load or render you will encounter a ERROR. If the layer fails to render some of its content, then you will encounter a WARNING. This could be due to the temporary loss of a network connection, failing layer requests or exceeding the max feature count. In both cases you will find more details about the problem by calling LayerViewStateChangedEvent.getError().

  • Enum Constant Details Link icon

    • ACTIVE Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus ACTIVE
      The layer in the view is active. A status of ACTIVE indicates that the layer is being displayed in the view. This status can be combined with WARNING.
    • NOT_VISIBLE Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus NOT_VISIBLE
      The layer in the view is not visible.
    • OUT_OF_SCALE Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus OUT_OF_SCALE
      The layer in the view is out of scale. A status of LayerViewStatus.OUT_OF_SCALE indicates that the view is zoomed outside of the scale range of the layer. If the view is zoomed too far in (e.g. to a street level), it is beyond the max scale defined for the layer. If the view has zoomed too far out (e.g. to global scale), it is beyond the min scale defined for the layer.
    • LOADING Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus LOADING
      The layer in the view is loading. Once loading has completed, the layer will be available for display in the view. If there was a problem loading the layer, the status will be set to ERROR and the ERROR property will provide details on the specific problem.
    • ERROR Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus ERROR
      The layer in the view has an unrecoverable error. When the status is ERROR, the layer cannot be rendered in the view. For example, it may have failed to load, be an unsupported layer type, or contain invalid data.

      The ERROR property will provide more details about the specific problem which was encountered. Depending on the type of problem, you could try the following:

    • WARNING Link icon

      public static final LayerViewStatus WARNING
      The layer in the view has encountered an error which may be temporary. When the status is WARNING, the layer may still be displayed in the view. It is possible for the status to be both ACTIVE and WARNING.

      A warning status indicates that the layer has encountered a problem but may still be usable. For example, some tiles or features may be failing to load due to network failure or server error. You should be aware that when a WARNING is received, the layer may not be showing all data or it may be showing data which is not up-to-date. The ERROR property will provide more details about the specific problem which was encountered.

      Depending on the type of problem, you could:

      • Check your network connection
      • Check whether an online service is experiencing problems
  • Method Details Link icon

    • values Link icon

      public static LayerViewStatus[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf Link icon

      public static LayerViewStatus valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null