Class UnsupportedRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class UnsupportedRenderer extends Renderer
Represents a renderer type that is not currently supported.

Note - this renderer will be persisted in the string returned by ArcGISMap.toJson(), but will not be drawn by a MapView.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSymbol Link icon

      public Symbol getSymbol(Feature feature)
      Description copied from class: Renderer
      Returns the symbol that is used to visualize the given feature.

      If the renderer is a DictionaryRenderer and its associated DictionarySymbolStyle references a style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as a web style), this method returns null. If the layer has rendered and the symbol is already drawn on the view, this method returns a valid MultilayerSymbol. If you want to get the symbol before the layer is rendered, use DictionarySymbolStyle.getSymbolAsync(Map).

      Specified by:
      getSymbol in class Renderer
      feature - the Feature to get a Symbol from, not null
      the Symbol of the Feature that was passed
    • getSymbol Link icon

      public Symbol getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
      Description copied from class: Renderer
      Returns the symbol that is used to visualize the given graphic.

      If the renderer is a DictionaryRenderer and its associated DictionarySymbolStyle references a style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as a web style), this method returns null. If the layer has rendered and the symbol is already drawn on the view, this method returns a valid MultilayerSymbol. If you want to get the symbol before the layer is rendered, use DictionarySymbolStyle.getSymbolAsync(Map).

      Specified by:
      getSymbol in class Renderer
      graphic - the Graphic to get a Symbol from, not null
      the Symbol of the Graphic that was passed