Class GenerateGeodatabaseJob

All Implemented Interfaces:
JsonSerializable, RemoteResource

public final class GenerateGeodatabaseJob extends Job
A Job that requests a feature service to generate a geodatabase file to be downloaded for off-line use.

A GenerateGeodatabaseJob instance is returned by GeodatabaseSyncTask.generateGeodatabase(GenerateGeodatabaseParameters, String). The Job is returned in a Job.Status.NOT_STARTED state and Job.start() must be called to start the associated operation.

See the Job class for full information on how to work with jobs.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResult Link icon

      public Geodatabase getResult()
      For a successfully completed job, the result returns the local geodatabase.

      If the job is in progress, then a null result is returned until the job successfully completes. The returned geodatabase is in a not loaded state; use Geodatabase.loadAsync() to load it.

      A geodatabase downloaded in this way can contain features, annotation and dimensions that are accessed with the list returned by Geodatabase.getGeodatabaseFeatureTables(), Geodatabase.getGeodatabaseAnnotationTables(), and Geodatabase.getGeodatabaseDimensionTables() collections, respectively.

      Specified by:
      getResult in class Job
      a Geodatabase once the job has completed successfully, otherwise null
      See Also: