Interface RemoteResource

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationLayer, ArcGISMapImageLayer, ArcGISMapImageSublayer, ArcGISSceneLayer, ArcGISStreamService, ArcGISSublayer, ArcGISTiledElevationSource, ArcGISTiledLayer, ArcGISTiledSublayer, ArcGISVectorTiledLayer, Basemap, BingMapsLayer, ClosestFacilityTask, DictionarySymbolStyle, DimensionLayer, DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob, DynamicEntityDataSource, ElevationSource, EstimateTileCacheSizeJob, ExportTileCacheJob, ExportTileCacheTask, ExportVectorTilesJob, ExportVectorTilesTask, GenerateGeodatabaseJob, GenerateOfflineMapJob, GeodatabaseSyncTask, GeoprocessingDataFile, GeoprocessingFeatures, GeoprocessingJob, GeoprocessingRaster, GeoprocessingTask, ImageFrame, ImageServiceRaster, IntegratedMeshLayer, Job, KmlDataset, LocatorTask, ModelSceneSymbol, OfflineMapSyncJob, OfflineMapSyncTask, OfflineMapTask, Ogc3DTilesLayer, OgcFeatureCollectionTable, OgcFeatureService, OpenStreetMapLayer, PictureFillSymbol, PictureFillSymbolLayer, PictureMarkerSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbolLayer, PointCloudLayer, Portal, RasterElevationSource, RouteTask, ServiceAreaTask, ServiceFeatureTable, ServiceGeodatabase, ServiceImageTiledLayer, SubtypeSublayer, SymbolStyle, SymbolStyleSearchResult, SyncGeodatabaseJob, UtilityNetwork, UtilityNetworkValidationJob, WebTiledLayer, WfsFeatureTable, WfsService, WmsLayer, WmsService, WmtsLayer, WmtsService

public interface RemoteResource
An interface implemented by classes needing to access network-enabled resources which might be secured. For example, a web service or a file on a web server that could require credentials to access.

An implementation must be able to set/get (1) a Credential to handle any authentication required by the network request and (2) a RequestConfiguration that allows customization of the parameters used to make the network request. The implementation also has a URI, which is the URI used to request content from the network-enabled resource.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getCredential Link icon

      Credential getCredential()
      Gets the Credential that is set on the network-enabled resource.

      Only applicable if the resource is secured.

      the Credential, or null if there is none
    • setCredential Link icon

      void setCredential(Credential credential)
      Sets a Credential to be used by the network-enabled resource in the event of an authentication challenge. The default credential is null.

      Only applicable if the resource is secured.

      credential - the Credential to be used for authentication
    • getRequestConfiguration Link icon

      RequestConfiguration getRequestConfiguration()
      Gets the RequestConfiguration used to modify the parameters of network requests made by this RemoteResource.
      the RequestConfiguration used to modify network requests
    • setRequestConfiguration Link icon

      void setRequestConfiguration(RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration)
      Sets the RequestConfiguration used to modify the parameters of network requests made by this RemoteResource. If not set, the global RequestConfiguration will be used (see RequestConfiguration.getGlobalRequestConfiguration()).
      requestConfiguration - the RequestConfiguration used to modify network requests
    • getUri Link icon

      String getUri()
      Gets the URI of this RemoteResource. Typically this is the URI used to instantiate the object.
      the URI of this RemoteResource