Class RasterLayer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TimeAware, LayerContent, Loadable

    public final class RasterLayer
    extends ImageAdjustmentLayer
    implements TimeAware
    Displays raster data in a map or scene.

    In its simplest form, raster data consists of a matrix of cells (or pixels) organized into rows and columns (or a grid) where each cell contains a value representing information. Raster layer can support these main types of raster data sources:

    You can change how a raster layer is visualized by creating a RasterRenderer and applying it to the layer. Each raster layer supports identify on its individual cells when it is displayed in a MapView or SceneView. The raster layer adopts the loadable pattern; many of its properties are initialized asynchronously. See Loadable for more information.

    If a raster dataset has just one value associated with each cell it is called a single-band raster. For example, in a digital elevation model (DEM) each cell contains one value representing the elevation at that location.

    A satellite image, however, commonly has multiple bands representing different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Landsat imagery, for example, contains seven bands that represent data from the visible and infrared parts of the spectrum. Rasters are particularly useful for remote sensing tasks, such as monitoring vegetation and seeing through smoke to analyze an active fire.

    Raster datasets can be quite large. The size of the dataset depends on the following:

    • The geographic extent of the data.
    • The size of the cells used (resolution).
    • The number of bands.
    As with any data consumed locally, file size can be an issue for storage as well as for transferring datasets over the network.

    Example for working with a Raster Layer

     Raster raster = new Raster("absolute-file-path-of-raster");
     RasterLayer rasterLayer = new RasterLayer(raster);
     rasterLayer.addDoneLoadingListener(() -> {
       if (rasterLayer.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
         // raster layer has loaded
     ArcGISMap map = new ArcGISMap();
     mapView = new MapView();
    The layer is loaded when displayed in a MapView; if using the layer without a MapView, call the Layer.loadAsync() method. Use the layer done loading event to determine when the layer is ready, and check the loaded status before using the layer.
    See Also:
    ImageAdjustmentLayer, ImageServiceRaster, GeoPackageRaster, Layer, MosaicDatasetRaster, Raster
    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterLayer

        public RasterLayer​(Raster raster)
        Creates a new RasterLayer with the provided raster.
        raster - the raster source
        IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null
      • RasterLayer

        public RasterLayer​(PortalItem portalItem)
        Creates a new RasterLayer with the provided portal item.
        portalItem - the portal item
        IllegalArgumentException - if portalItem is null
    • Method Detail

      • getRaster

        public Raster getRaster()
        Returns the raster used by this raster layer.
        the raster used by this raster layer
      • setRasterRenderer

        public void setRasterRenderer​(RasterRenderer rasterRenderer)
        Sets the raster renderer for this layer.
        rasterRenderer - the rasterRenderer to set
        IllegalArgumentException - if rasterRenderer is null
      • copy

        public RasterLayer copy()
        Creates a deep copy of this RasterLayer instance.
        a deep copy of this RasterLayer instance, which means that copies of all fields of this layer are made including its loading state
      • getRasterRenderer

        public RasterRenderer getRasterRenderer()
        Gets the raster renderer for this layer.
        the raster renderer
      • getFullTimeExtent

        public TimeExtent getFullTimeExtent()
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Returns the full time extent of the object. Will be null if the object is not time aware.
        Specified by:
        getFullTimeExtent in interface TimeAware
        the time extent, or null if the object is not time aware
      • getTimeInterval

        public TimeValue getTimeInterval()
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Returns the suggested time slider step size for this time aware object. Can be null if no time interval is suggested for this time aware object.
        Specified by:
        getTimeInterval in interface TimeAware
        the time interval, or null if there is no time interval
      • getTimeOffset

        public TimeValue getTimeOffset()
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Returns the time offset applied to this object. The offset is subtracted from the time extent set on the owning GeoView. This allows for data from different periods of time to be compared.
        Specified by:
        getTimeOffset in interface TimeAware
        the time offset, or null if no offset has been set
      • isTimeFilteringEnabled

        public boolean isTimeFilteringEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Returns whether or not the object must use the time extent defined on the owning GeoView to filter its data.
        Specified by:
        isTimeFilteringEnabled in interface TimeAware
        true if time filtering is enabled; otherwise false
      • setIsTimeFilteringEnabled

        public void setIsTimeFilteringEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Enables or disables whether the object must use the time extent defined on the owning GeoView to filter its data.
        Specified by:
        setIsTimeFilteringEnabled in interface TimeAware
        enabled - true to enable time filtering; otherwise false
      • isTimeFilteringSupported

        public boolean isTimeFilteringSupported()
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Returns whether or not the object supports filtering its contents by time values with the extent set on the owning GeoView.
        Specified by:
        isTimeFilteringSupported in interface TimeAware
        true if time filtering is supported; otherwise false
      • setTimeOffset

        public void setTimeOffset​(TimeValue timeOffset)
        Description copied from interface: TimeAware
        Sets a time offset for this object. The time offset is subtracted from the time extent set on the owning GeoView. This allows for data from different periods of time to be compared. Can be null if there is no time offset.
        Specified by:
        setTimeOffset in interface TimeAware
        timeOffset - the time offset, or null if there is no time offset