Class ArcGISMap

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JsonSerializable, Loadable

    public final class ArcGISMap
    extends GeoModel
    implements JsonSerializable
    An ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data as well as other information which define the maps capabilities (e.g. basemaps, popups, renderers, labels etc...). A map can be visualized in a MapView and can also be used on its own to access the data.

    In an MVC architecture, an ArcGISMap represents the model and a MapView represents the view. An ArcGISMap specifies how the geographic data is organized, and a MapView renders the data on the screen and allows users to interact with it.

    An ArcGISMap can contain a Basemap and or one or more operational layers:

    • A Basemap is a map layer that helps orient the user of the map. Typically it sits behind operational layers and shows roads and parcel boundaries to give context to operational layers. Basemaps can also contain layers which are drawn over the top operational layers such as label layers.
    • An operational layer provides content that is of unique interest to the app and the task at hand, such as data about earthquakes, traffic, or weather for example. Its content might change frequently.

    An ArcGISMap can be manually created by adding layers or it can be instantiated from a map item, for example from a web map. When you create an ArcGISMap, the spatial reference of the first layer you add is used as the spatial reference of the entire map, which is typically the first layer in the Basemap. The code below shows how to create an ArcGISMap with a topographic basemap and add operational feature layer from a ServiceFeatureTable

     // add topographic basemap
     ArcGISMap map = new ArcGISMap(Basemap.Type.TOPOGRAPHIC, 34.056295, -117.195800, 10);
     // create the service feature table
     ServiceFeatureTable serviceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(URL);
     // create the feature layer using the service feature table
     FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(serviceFeatureTable);
     // get the operational layers then add to operational layer to ArcGISMap
     LayerList operationalLayers = map.getOperationalLayers().add(featureLayer);
    See Also:
    Layer, Basemap
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap()
        Creates an empty ArcGISMap instance. The map will need layers added to it before it can be used.
        See Also:
        GeoModel.loadAsync(), SpatialReference
      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap​(Basemap basemap)
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance which will contain just a basemap.
        basemap - the Basemap used with this ArcGISMap
        IllegalArgumentException - if the basemap is null
        See Also:
      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap​(Basemap.Type basemapType,
                         double latitude,
                         double longitude,
                         int levelOfDetail)
        100.14.0. Use ArcGISMap.ArcGISMap(BasemapStyle).
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance with a predefined basemap and an initial viewpoint.

        The map will be created with a basemap set, a spatial reference in WGS84 and the initial viewpoint set. In order to take advantage of geographically load balanced services and monitor usage with API keys or named users, use ArcGISMap(BasemapStyle).

        basemapType - the predefined basemap used with this ArcGISMap
        latitude - the latitude of the initial viewpoint which forms the center point of the map
        longitude - the longitude of the initial viewpoint which forms the center point of the map
        levelOfDetail - the level of detail that is converted to a scale for the initial Viewpoint. 0 is the most zoomed out level.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the levelOfDetail is less than zero
        See Also:
      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap​(PortalItem portalItem)
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance based on a PortalItem.

        If the portal item is not in LoadStatus.LOADED state it will be loaded automatically when this ArcGISMap instance is loaded.

        If the loaded portalItem is not of type PortalItem.Type.WEBMAP the map will fail to load.

        portalItem - the PortalItem associated with this ArcGISMap instance
        IllegalArgumentException - if the portalItem is null
        See Also:
      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap​(SpatialReference spatialReference)
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance with a specified SpatialReference. The map will not contain any layers.
        spatialReference - the SpatialReference used with this ArcGISMap
        See Also:
      • ArcGISMap

        public ArcGISMap​(String webMapUrl)
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance from a web map URL.

        The Supported URL formats are:

        • The URL of a webmap opened in the portal's map viewer web application (classic or new).
        • The URL of the webmap item details web page.
        • The REST Sharing API URL of the webmap item (with or without the query parameter f=json).
        • The REST Sharing API URL of the webmap item data.
        webMapUrl - the URL of the web map on ArcGIS Online or an on-premises portal
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL is null or empty
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL does not match the basic URL types
        See Also:
        PortalItem, PortalItem(Portal, String), GeoModel.getItem()
    • Method Detail

      • getMinScale

        public double getMinScale()
        Gets the minimum scale of the ArcGISMap.
        the minimum scale of the ArcGISMap; will be zero if the map is not loaded or there is no minimum scale and the user can zoom out indefinitely
      • setMinScale

        public void setMinScale​(double minScale)
        Sets the minimum scale of the ArcGISMap.
        minScale - the minimum scale to set; a value of zero indicates that there is no minimum scale and the user can zoom out indefinitely
        IllegalArgumentException - if minScale is negative
      • getMaxScale

        public double getMaxScale()
        Gets the maximum scale of the ArcGISMap.
        the maximum scale of the ArcGISMap; will be zero if the map is not loaded or there is no maximum scale and the user can zoom in indefinitely
      • setMaxScale

        public void setMaxScale​(double maxScale)
        Sets the maximum scale of the ArcGISMap.
        maxScale - the maximum scale to set; a value of zero indicates that there is no maximum scale and the user can zoom in indefinitely
        IllegalArgumentException - if maxScale is negative
      • getMaxExtent

        public Envelope getMaxExtent()
        Gets the extent that constrains the display of the ArcGISMap to a specific region.

        Will be null if the max extent has not been explicitly set. Setting this to null sets the maximum extent to the default behavior, which is to constrain the display to an extent calculated when the map gets loaded, either by the union of the full extent of all basemap layers, or by the first operational layer's full extent if the map has no basemap.

        the extent that constrains the display of the ArcGISMap to a specific region, or null if none
      • setMaxExtent

        public void setMaxExtent​(Envelope maxExtent)
        Sets the extent that constrains the display the ArcGISMap to a specific region.

        Will be null if the max extent has not been explicitly set. Setting this to null sets the maximum extent to the default behavior, which is to constrain the display to an extent calculated when the map gets loaded, either by the union of the full extent of all basemap layers, or by the first operational layer's full extent if the map has no basemap.

        maxExtent - the extent that constrains the display of the ArcGISMap to a specific region
      • getReferenceScale

        public double getReferenceScale()
        Gets the reference scale of the ArcGISMap.

        The reference scale of the map is the scale at which a client should view the map for the feature symbols and text to appear at their authored size. If the client changes the viewing scale, then feature symbols and text will grow or shrink to keep a consistent size on the map (not the screen). This only happens if the reference scale is greater than zero and for feature layers that have DrawingInfo.isScaleSymbols() set to true, otherwise the symbols and text stay at their authored size. The reference scale will be zero if the map is not loaded or if there is no reference scale and the symbols and text should appear at default size regardless of the viewing scale.

        the reference scale of the ArcGISMap; will be zero if the map is not loaded or there is no reference scale
      • setReferenceScale

        public void setReferenceScale​(double referenceScale)
        Sets the reference scale of the ArcGISMap.

        The reference scale of the map is the scale at which a client should view the map for the feature symbols and text to appear at their authored size. If the client changes the viewing scale, then feature symbols and text will grow or shrink to keep a consistent size on the map (not the screen). This only happens if the reference scale is greater than zero and for feature layers that have DrawingInfo.isScaleSymbols() set to true, otherwise the symbols and text stay at their authored size. The reference scale will be zero if the map is not loaded or if there is no reference scale and the symbols and text should appear at default size regardless of the viewing scale.

        This property is intended to be used for new ArcGISMap objects, that will have layers attached that expect a reference scale. Subsequent updates to the reference scale will cause a redraw of all layers that use the reference scale, and possible knock-on redraw of other layers that depend on them (for example dynamic labels that need to re-position to avoid overlaps).

        referenceScale - the reference scale to set; a value of zero indicates that there is no reference scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if referenceScale is negative
      • copy

        public ArcGISMap copy()
        Creates a copy of this ArcGISMap instance.
        a deep copy of this ArcGISMap instance, which means that copies of all fields of this map are made including its loading state.
      • fromJson

        public static ArcGISMap fromJson​(String json)
        Creates an ArcGISMap instance from a JSON string.
        json - the JSON representation of an ArcGISMap
        an ArcGISMap instance deserialized from the JSON string
        IllegalArgumentException - if json is null or empty
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
        Serializes this ArcGISMap to a JSON string.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface JsonSerializable
        the JSON representation of this ArcGISMap
      • getUnknownJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnknownJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unknown data from the source JSON. Unknown JSON is a Map of values that were in the source JSON but are not known by the Runtime and therefore not exposed in the API.
        Specified by:
        getUnknownJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unknown JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • getUnsupportedJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnsupportedJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unsupported data from the source JSON. Unsupported JSON is a Map of values that are supported by webmaps and known to the version of the webmap specification the API supports (see system requirements), but are not explicitly exposed through the Runtime API.
        Specified by:
        getUnsupportedJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unsupported JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • getUtilityNetworks

        public ListenableList<UtilityNetwork> getUtilityNetworks()
        Gets a mutable list of utility networks in the map.

        This collection of UtilityNetwork is specific to this map.

        An ArcGISMap created with a webmap portal item with utility networks will pre-populate this collection.

        When this ArcGISMap is used to create a UtilityNetwork, the UtilityNetwork that was created will be added to this collection.

        Only a UtilityNetwork that is not loaded may be added to this collection. An attempt to add a UtilityNetwork that is loaded or loading will throw an ArcGISRuntimeException.

        An attempt to add an UtilityNetwork instance that is already in a list will throw a ArcGISRuntimeException error. A different instance of UtilityNetwork that is backed by the same feature server or service geodatabase may be added to a list.

        An attempt to add a null UtilityNetwork to this collection will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

        a mutable list of utility networks in the map. The list may be empty but never null.
      • addBasemapChangedListener

        public void addBasemapChangedListener​(ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedListener listener)
        Adds a BasemapChangedListener to this ArcGISMap that gets invoked when the Basemap has changed.

        Adding this listener on the UI thread will cause it to be invoked on the UI thread, otherwise it is not guaranteed on which thread the listener is invoked.

        listener - a BasemapChangedListener that gets invoked when the Basemap has changed
        IllegalArgumentException - if the listener is null
      • removeBasemapChangedListener

        public boolean removeBasemapChangedListener​(ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedListener listener)
        Removes a BasemapChangedListener from this ArcGISMap.
        listener - the BasemapChangedListener to remove
        true if the BasemapChangedListener has been removed, otherwise false
        IllegalArgumentException - if the listener is null
      • saveAsync

        public ListenableFuture<PortalItem> saveAsync​(boolean forceSaveToSupportedVersion)
        Executes an asynchronous operation to save any changes that have been made to the map. The map must be associated with a PortalItem object, and must be loaded. The result is a reference to the map's PortalItem object.

        Saving an existing webmap will keep the portal item extent in sync with the initial viewpoint of the map set using the GeoModel.setInitialViewpoint(Viewpoint) method.

        Updates the map content data on the portal and also updates the portal item properties stored on the portal to match those stored within the map's PortalItem object.

        When saving a webmap it is always saved as the currently supported webmap version of the API (see system requirements). This may cause data loss as JsonSerializable.getUnknownJson(), unknown objects (e.g. UnknownLayers) and other properties unknown to the webmap specification (e.g. new layer types or local data paths) are not saved. JsonSerializable.getUnsupportedJson() is maintained and saved in the map as it is known to the webmap specification but not explicitly exposed by this API. This operation includes the forceSaveToSupportedVersion flag which can be used to provide a warning to users that some map data may be lost when the map is saved.

        forceSaveToSupportedVersion - flag to indicate whether the map should be saved to the supported webmap version that the API supports (see system requirements). This may cause data loss as unknown data is not saved. If true, unknown data will be removed and the map will be saved. If false, the asynchronous operation will fail if the map contains unknown data that will not be saved. This flag can be used to provide a warning to users that some map data may be lost when the map is saved.
        a ListenableFuture for tracking when the operation is done and getting the result; also allows cancellation. Calling get() on the returned future may throw an ExecutionException with its cause set to an exception as follows:
        IllegalStateException - if the map is not loaded or is not associated with a PortalItem object
        ArcGISRuntimeException - if the current LicenseLevel is too low for this operation (LicenseLevel.BASIC or higher is required to save maps to a portal)
      • saveAsAsync

        public ListenableFuture<PortalItem> saveAsAsync​(Portal portal,
                                                        PortalFolder portalFolder,
                                                        String title,
                                                        Iterable<String> tags,
                                                        String description,
                                                        byte[] thumbnailData,
                                                        boolean forceSaveToSupportedVersion)
        Executes an asynchronous operation to save this map by creating a new map on the given portal in the given folder. Once completed, the map will be associated with a new PortalItem object. The new item will belong to the user currently signed in to the portal and its access level will be PortalItem.Access.PRIVATE.

        Note that if the map was already associated with a PortalItem object (either because the map was created using a PortalItem or was previously saved), that object will be replaced with a new PortalItem, effectively 'duplicating' the map on the portal.

        When saving a webmap it is always saved as the currently supported webmap version of the API (see system requirements). This may cause data loss as JsonSerializable.getUnknownJson(), unknown objects (e.g. UnknownLayers) and other properties unknown to the webmap specification (e.g. new layer types or local data paths) are not saved. JsonSerializable.getUnsupportedJson() is maintained and saved in the map as it is known to the webmap specification but not explicitly exposed by this API. This operation includes the forceSaveToSupportedVersion flag which can be used to provide a warning to users that some map data may be lost when the map is saved.

        The result is a reference to the map's PortalItem object.

        Saving a map does not automatically include the extent of the current MapView. If you want to save the current extent with the map, then get the GeoView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type) and pass it to the GeoModel.setInitialViewpoint(Viewpoint) method to ensure the current extent is saved with the map. For example:

         Viewpoint vp = mapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.BOUNDING_GEOMETRY);
        portal - the portal on which to save the map; must not be null and must not be loaded anonymously; to ensure it's not loaded anonymously, either set a credential on it using Portal.setCredential(Credential) before the portal is loaded, or use the Portal(String, boolean) constructor with loginRequired set to true
        portalFolder - a PortalFolder belonging to the current user in which to save the map, or null to save it in the user's root folder
        title - a title for the map; must not be null or empty
        tags - a list of tags to associate with the map, or null if none
        description - a description for the map, or null if none
        thumbnailData - thumbnail data for the map, or null if none
        forceSaveToSupportedVersion - flag to indicate whether the map should be saved to the supported webmap version that the API supports (see system requirements). This may cause data loss as unknown data is not saved. If true, unknown data will be removed and the map will be saved. If false, the asynchronous operation will fail if the map contains unknown data that will not be saved. This flag can be used to provide a warning to users that some map data may be lost when the map is saved.
        a ListenableFuture for tracking when the operation is done and getting the result; also allows cancellation. Calling get() on the returned future may throw an ExecutionException with its cause set to an exception as follows:
        IllegalArgumentException - if portal or title is null, or title is an empty string
        IllegalStateException - if the map is not loaded
        ArcGISRuntimeException - if the current LicenseLevel is too low for this operation (LicenseLevel.BASIC or higher is required to save maps to a portal)
      • getOfflineSettings

        public OfflineSettings getOfflineSettings()
        Gets the offline use settings, configured by the author of an online web map (if appropriate).

        These settings will only be populated when this map represents an online web map and the author has chosen to set them. The properties can be used to inform how a map should be taken offline. If no offline settings were provided, or if this map does not represent an online web map, this property will be null.

        the offline settings or null if the property is not set or the map is not a web map
        See Also:
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Integer color)
        Sets background color of the map.

        The value determines the color to be displayed behind the map. This color will be displayed in transparent areas of the map as well as areas where there is no basemap or operational data.

        When a map is set on a MapView, changes to the background color will immediately take effect.

        The default value is null. In this case, the MapView.getBackgroundGrid() is used to determine the background color to display.

        color - an Integer representing the color as 0xAARRGGBB, or null for no background color
      • getBackgroundColor

        public Integer getBackgroundColor()
        Gets background color of the map.

        The value determines the color to be displayed behind the map. This color will be displayed in transparent areas of the map as well as areas where there is no basemap or operational data.

        When a map is set on a MapView, changes to the background color will immediately take effect.

        The default value is null. In this case, the MapView.getBackgroundGrid() is used to determine the background color to display.

        an Integer representing the color as 0xAARRGGBB, or null if no background color is set