Class UniqueValueRenderer.UniqueValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class UniqueValueRenderer.UniqueValue
    extends Object
    implements JsonSerializable
    A UniqueValue object that is used in a UniqueValueRenderer.

    UniqueValues are used for assigning certain values to a certain Symbol. It also allows for a description and label to be assigned to those values as well.

    Properties of a UniqueValue:

    • Description - describes what the UniqueValue does or represents.
    • Label - name that this UniqueValue can be referred by.
    • Symbol - the Symbol to display.
    • Values - represent certain geoelements and will have the Symbol for this UniqueValue applied to them.

    Note: Values is a iterable list and the contents of this list are copied. Any subsequent changes to this list won't have any impact on the values of this object. To modify the values, use the corresponding get method for its result is modifiable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UniqueValue

        public UniqueValue()
        Creates a new UniqueValue with given default properties:
        • Description, an empty string.
        • Label - null.
        • Symbol - an empty string.
        • Values - an empty iterable list.

        Only Symbol and values needs to be set for this UniqueValue to work; description and label are optional. If values is set and Symbol is still null, then when this UniqueValue is rendered, nothing will be displayed to the GeoView even if a default Symbol is set.

      • UniqueValue

        public UniqueValue​(String description,
                           String label,
                           Symbol symbol,
                           Iterable<Object> values)
        Creates a new unique value (or unique combination of values) and a symbol used to display elements with this value in a UniqueValueRenderer.

        Setting any parameter to null will set it to its default property, see UniqueValue() for more information.

        description - the description for this UniqueValue. Can be null. For example: "Parcels zoned for residential use".
        label - the label for this UniqueValue. Can be null. For example: "Residential".
        symbol - symbol to be used for rendering values within this UniqueValue. Can be null.
        values - a unique value or unique combination of values to which the Symbol for this UniqueValue will be applied. Can be null.
      • UniqueValue

        public UniqueValue​(String description,
                           String label,
                           Symbol symbol,
                           Iterable<Object> values,
                           Iterable<Symbol> alternateSymbols)
        Creates a new unique value (or unique combination of values) object with alternate symbols.

        A unique value can have alternate symbols to the primary symbol. Alternate symbols allow you to tailor the visualization of unique value at different scales by selecting different symbol for different scales. Alternate symbols are supported only when unique value's primary symbol and other symbols in alternate symbol list are of type MultilayerSymbol and have SymbolReferenceProperties defining valid min max scales at which the symbol becomes visible. Renderer will pick only one symbol at a given map scale. If primary symbol's scale range falls within the map's scale, primary symbol is used. If not, then symbols in alternate symbols list are iterated through and first symbol matching the current map scale is picked for rendering. A symbol becomes visible if the map scale is less than or equal to symbol's minimum scale and greater than symbol's maximum scale. For more information on Scale-based symbol classes and alternate symbols see the "Scale based Symbols documentation"

        description - a description of the unique value. "Parcels zoned for residential use", for example.
        label - a label for the unique value. "Residential", for example.
        symbol - a symbol used to represent elements with this unique value, may be null
        values - a Iterable containing Object types that define a unique value or unique combination of values
        alternateSymbols - the alternate symbols for the unique value. Only MultilayerSymbol are supported as alternates. This param may be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getAlternateSymbols

        public List<Symbol> getAlternateSymbols()
        Gets the alternate symbols for the unique value's primary symbol. Symbols in this list should be of type MultilayerSymbol and must have SymbolReferenceProperties set with valid minimum and maximum scale at which symbol becomes visible. Renderer will pick only one symbol at a given map scale. If primary symbol's scale range falls within the map's scale, primary symbol is used. If not, then symbols in alternate symbols list are iterated through and first symbol matching the current map scale is picked for rendering. A symbol becomes visible if the map scale is less than or equal to symbol's minimum scale and greater than symbol's maximum scale.
        the alternate symbols for the unique value's primary symbol.
      • fromJson

        public static UniqueValueRenderer.UniqueValue fromJson​(String json)
        Creates a UniqueValue instance from a JSON string.
        json - a JSON string that represents a UniqueValue
        a UniqueValue instance
        IllegalArgumentException - if json is null or empty
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        Serializes this object to a JSON string. Note that unknown JSON is omitted from the serialized string.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface JsonSerializable
        a JSON string
      • getUnknownJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnknownJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unknown data from the source JSON. Unknown JSON is a Map of values that were in the source JSON but are not known by the Runtime and therefore not exposed in the API.
        Specified by:
        getUnknownJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unknown JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • getUnsupportedJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnsupportedJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unsupported data from the source JSON. Unsupported JSON is a Map of values that are supported by webmaps and known to the version of the webmap specification the API supports (see system requirements), but are not explicitly exposed through the Runtime API.
        Specified by:
        getUnsupportedJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unsupported JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Gets the description that describes what this UniqueValue does or represents.

        Default value is an empty string.

        the description used by this UniqueValue
        See Also:
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the description, which gives detail information about what this UniqueValue does or represents. For example: "Parcels zoned for residential use". The description often describes the meaning behind the Symbol this UniqueValue uses.
        description - the description to be used for this UniqueValue
        See Also:
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Gets the name that this UniqueValue is referred as.

        Default value is an empty string.

        the label for this UniqueValue
        See Also:
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
        Sets a name that this UniqueValue can be referred to. For example: "Residential".
        label - the label to be used for this UniqueValue
        See Also:
      • setSymbol

        public void setSymbol​(Symbol symbol)
        Sets the Symbol for this UniqueValue.

        This Symbol will be applied to the values stored in this UniqueValue.

        If the Symbol is null, then this UniqueValue will not be displayed on the GeoView when rendered.

        symbol - the Symbol this UniqueValue is going to use. Can be null.
        See Also:
      • getValues

        public List<Object> getValues()
        Gets a modifiable list containing all the values that the Symbol for this UniqueValue will be applied to.
        a List containing all the values that where added to this UniqueValue.