
An analysis object that evaluates direct, vertical, and horizontal distances between two points defined by start and end point locations. LocationDistanceMeasurement measures the distance between a start and an end location (each using Point geometry). Three distances components are calculated:

  • Direct distance - the direct distance between the start and end location

  • Horizontal distance - the horizontal component of the direct distance

  • Vertical distance - the vertical component of the direct distance




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constructor(startLocation: Point, endLocation: Point)

Creates a LocationDistanceMeasurement analysis object that defines a start and an end location using com.arcgismaps.geometry.Point objects. The LocationDistanceMeasurement analysis result is a distance measurement between the start and end locations with direct, horizontal, and vertical components.


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The direct distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The direct distance length measurement component. Will return null if valid start and end locations have not been set, or if an error occurs.

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The end location of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the end location in 3D space.

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The horizontal distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The horizontal distance length measurement component. Will return null if valid start and end locations have not been set, or if an error occurs.

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A SharedFlow that emits changes to any of the LocationDistanceMeasurement distance components.

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The start location of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the start location in 3D space.

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The Unit System of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The Unit System under which distances are calculated. Will return com.arcgismaps.UnitSystem.Metric if an error occurs.

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The vertical distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement. The vertical distance length measurement component. Will return null if valid start and end locations have not been set, or if an error occurs.

Inherited properties

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Whether or not an Analysis is visible. Visibility can be controlled for individual Analyses as well as for the AnalysisOverlay that contains them. Will return false if an error occurs.