
constructor(camera: Camera, minDistance: Double? = null, maxDistance: Double? = null)

Creates a viewshed analysis object whose observer is defined using a point location. Provide a Camera and distance range to define the analysis frustum. Visible and non-visible areas are determined for an area defined by the camera and the min/max distance range. The parameters define the frustum over which visibility is calculated from the camera/observer location. Terrain and other obstacles between the observer and the minimum distance are excluded from the analysis, as are areas beyond the maximum distance.





A Camera to define the frustum of the viewshed. The camera location is that of the observer.


The minimum distance from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated, or null if there is no minimum.


The maximum distance from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated, or null if there is no maximum.

constructor(    location: Point,     heading: Double,     pitch: Double,     horizontalAngle: Double,     verticalAngle: Double,     minDistance: Double? = null,     maxDistance: Double? = null)

Creates a viewshed analysis object whose observer is defined using a point location. Provide a map location and frustum parameters for the analysis. Visible and non-visible areas are determined for an area defined by the observer location, view angles, and the min/max distance range. The parameters define the frustum over which visibility is calculated from the observer location. The horizontal and vertical angles must be greater than zero to define a valid frustum and are constrained to a maximum of 120 degrees. Terrain and other obstacles between the observer and the minimum distance are excluded from the analysis, as are areas beyond the maximum distance.





A geographic point location for the observer.


The heading value (azimuth) that defines the observer's view direction.


The pitch value (angle) of the observer's view relative to the surface. Valid values are from 0 (looking straight down) to 180 (straight up).


The horizontal angle of the observer's view. The value must be greater than 0 and no greater than 120.


The vertical angle of the observer's view. The value must be greater than 0 and no greater than 120.


The minimum distance from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated, or null if there is no minimum.


The maximum distance from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated, or null if there is no maximum.