
constructor(centerPoint: Point, rotationAngle: Double, semiMajorAxis: Double, minorMajorRatio: Double, startAngle: Double, centralAngle: Double, spatialReference: SpatialReference? = null)

Creates an elliptic arc based on parameters that define an ellipse and the portion of that ellipse that defines the arc. The spatial reference parameter is used if the center point parameter has a null spatial reference. If both spatial references are supplied, they must be equal.

The z-value and m-value of the center point (if present) are ignored. Use EllipticArcSegment.EllipticArcSegment(Point, Point, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Double, Double, SpatialReference) to create an EllipticArcSegment with end points with z-value and/or m-value.



constructor(startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point, rotationAngle: Double, isMinor: Boolean, isCounterClockwise: Boolean, semiMajorAxis: Double, minorMajorRatio: Double, spatialReference: SpatialReference? = null)

Creates an elliptic arc segment from the given start and end points, and other parameters that define an ellipse. The z-value and m-value of the start and end points (if present) are used in the EllipticArcSegment.

To maintain the given startPoint and endPoint in the new segment, the other parameters may be adjusted if required. Such adjustments are made according to the https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcConversionEndpointToCenter. If these cannot be adjusted sufficiently, an arc represented with a straight line is returned.

