
A collection object that can be changed containing points. Contains a collection of points that can be changed.



See also


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constructor(spatialReference: SpatialReference? = null)

Creates a mutable point collection with a specified spatial reference.

constructor(points: Iterable<Point>, spatialReference: SpatialReference? = null)

Creates a mutable point collection with a specified spatial reference, and adds the given points to it.


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open override val size: Int

The number of points in the collection.

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The spatial reference for the mutable point collection. If the collection does not have a spatial reference null is returned.


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fun add(points: PointCollection)

Add a new points to the end of the mutable point collection.

fun add(x: Double, y: Double)

Add a new point to the end of the mutable point collection by specifying the points x,y coordinates.

open override fun add(index: Int, element: Point)

Inserts a point into the mutable point collection at the specified point index. The point index can be equal to the point count and this is equivalent to adding a point to the end of the collection.

fun add(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)

Add a new point to the end of the mutable point collection by specifying the points x,y,z coordinates.

fun add(pointIndex: Int, x: Double, y: Double)

Inserts a point specified by its x,y coordinates into the mutable point collection at the specified point index. The point index can be equal to the point count and this is equivalent to adding a point to the end of the collection.

fun add(pointIndex: Int, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)

Inserts a point specified by its x,y,z coordinate into the mutable point collection at the specified point index. The point index can be equal to the point count and this is equivalent to adding a point to the end of the collection.

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open override fun clear()

Remove all points from the mutable point collection. After calling this method the mutable point collection is empty.

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open operator override fun get(index: Int): Point

Returns a point at the specified index in the collection.

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open override fun indexOf(element: Point): Int

Retrieves the position of the point in the mutable point collection. The first point that is equal to the supplied point is returned.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean

Indicates if the mutable point collection contains no points.

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open override fun removeAt(index: Int): Point

Removes a point from the mutable point collection.

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open operator override fun set(index: Int, element: Point): Point

Replace a point in the mutable point collection at the specified point index.

Inherited functions

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abstract override fun add(element: Point): Boolean
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abstract override fun addAll(elements: Collection<Point>): Boolean
abstract fun addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection<Point>): Boolean
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open override fun addFirst(p0: Point)
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open override fun addLast(p0: Point)
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abstract operator override fun contains(element: Point): Boolean
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abstract override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Point>): Boolean
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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in Point>)
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open override fun getFirst(): Point
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open override fun getLast(): Point
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<Point>
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abstract fun lastIndexOf(element: Point): Int
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abstract override fun listIterator(): MutableListIterator<Point>
abstract override fun listIterator(index: Int): MutableListIterator<Point>
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abstract override fun remove(element: Point): Boolean
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abstract override fun removeAll(elements: Collection<Point>): Boolean
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open override fun removeFirst(): Point
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open fun removeIf(p0: Predicate<in Point>): Boolean
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open override fun removeLast(): Point
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abstract override fun retainAll(elements: Collection<Point>): Boolean
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open override fun reversed(): MutableList<Point>
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open fun sort(p0: Comparator<in Point>)
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open override fun spliterator(): Spliterator<Point>
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open fun stream(): Stream<Point>
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abstract override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): MutableList<Point>
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open fun toArray(): Array<Any>
open fun <T : Any> toArray(p0: Array<T>): Array<T>
open fun <T : Any> toArray(p0: IntFunction<Array<T>>): Array<T>