A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text. A single separator consists of:
The separator character that should potentially be replaced by a line break
If the separator should always be used for line break
If the separator should remain visible
If the separator should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next
Creates a label stack separator with default values. The default separator has an empty LabelStackSeparator.separator and will be ignored.
The position where the separator will be written, if used and remaining visible. Whether the separator code point should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next, if chosen as a line break position. This does not matter if the separator is not to be visible when used.
Whether a line break must be inserted when the LabelStackSeparator.separator is encountered. The default value is false.
A String intended to describe one code point. Each LabelStackSeparator specifies a code point to be looked for in the text. A code point is often thought of as a single character in the text, but may need several chars in a String to describe it. For example: