Asynchronously evaluates all expressions available at PopupDefinition.expressions or at ExpressionPopupElement.popupExpression. The expression can include Arcade FeatureSet functions, which need to be evaluated asynchronously.
Also populates the Popup.evaluatedElements from the PopupDefinition.elements. During the evaluation, each ExpressionPopupElement is replaced by the PopupElement returned by the Arcade expression and each placeholder is replaced by its value.
This method must be called before displaying the popup information in a UI so you can use synchronous methods Popup.getFormattedValue and Popup.substitute to get the formatted String representation. If there are no PopupDefinition.expressions and no popup elements of type ExpressionPopupElement then the result array will be empty. The PopupExpression may be used in the PopupDefinition.fields, PopupDefinition.media, PopupDefinition.title and PopupDefinition.description.
A Result that contains an array of PopupExpressionEvaluation.