An array of AggregateField that summarizes one or more attributes for a group of geoelements visualized with FeatureReduction. AggregationFeatureReduction.aggregateFields define the attributes of an AggregateGeoElement. Each AggregateField stores a value that is generated by aggregating values from a field referenced in the feature layer. These aggregate fields may be used in popups, labels, and renderers. Note that aggregated geoelements only have access to the AggregationFeatureReduction.aggregateFields defined. The fields from the feature layer are not accessible for use in popups, labels, or renderers for aggregated geoelements. For example, to display the sum of the population values in a cluster of features, you can create an aggregate field called 'sum_population' using the 'population' attribute of the com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.FeatureLayer. You can then use the 'sum_population' attribute as a label for the AggregateGeoElement, but not the original 'population' attribute from the feature layer. See AggregateField for more info. Note: Updates to this collection cause data to be re-aggregated.