True if the selected GeometryEditorElement can be interactively moved, false otherwise. Default is true. If true, you can use a drag gesture to move the selected GeometryEditorElement to the required location. Create a tool to allow moving only specific types of GeometryEditorElement by also allowing or disallowing the selection of different types of element (InteractionConfiguration.allowVertexSelection for example).
If false, the behavior of a drag gesture depends on the current GeometryEditor.tool. A VertexTool will pan the map, whereas a FreehandTool will create a new part (depending on InteractionConfiguration.allowPartCreation).
If true, and the selected element is a GeometryEditorPart or a GeometryEditorGeometry with a geometry type of com.arcgismaps.geometry.GeometryType.Polyline or com.arcgismaps.geometry.GeometryType.Polygon, then a bounding box is drawn using the GeometryEditorStyle.boundingBoxSymbol.
InteractionConfiguration.setAllowTransformation sets this property.