True if the selected GeometryEditorElement can be interactively moved, false otherwise. Default is true. If true, you can use the reticle to move the selected GeometryEditorElement to the required position. A ReticleVertexTool can move a vertex if ReticleInteractionConfiguration.allowVertexSelection is true, and also use a move action on a mid-vertex if ReticleInteractionConfiguration.allowMidVertexSelection is true (which results in the insertion of a new vertex). Position the reticle over the required element, then tap to select it and start the move. Drag the map to reposition the reticle - feedback symbols update to show what change will be made to the GeometryEditor.geometry when you next tap on the map view. Tap a second time to complete the move and drop the new vertex at the reticle position and update the GeometryEditor.geometry.
If false, elements cannot be moved, but may be selected depending on the values of ReticleInteractionConfiguration.allowVertexSelection and ReticleInteractionConfiguration.allowMidVertexSelection.
If true, and the selected element is a GeometryEditorPart or a GeometryEditorGeometry with a geometry type of com.arcgismaps.geometry.GeometryType.Polyline or com.arcgismaps.geometry.GeometryType.Polygon then you cannot move the element with the ReticleVertexTool, but you can position the reticle and tap to change the selection to the vertex or mid-vertex you want to work with. This state can arise if the selection state was set programmatically, or set interactively when using a different GeometryEditorTool prior to switching to a ReticleVertexTool.
Whether true or false, any selected element can be moved using GeometryEditor.moveSelectedElement or GeometryEditor.moveSelectedElement.