Starts tracking progress to the next destination in the com.arcgismaps.tasks.networkanalysis.Route. Use RouteTracker.switchToNextDestination when the tracker reports a DestinationStatus.Reached status. Before calling RouteTracker.switchToNextDestination make sure that TrackingStatus.remainingDestinationCount 1 (a value of 1 means navigation is proceeding to last destination). This method can also be called after DestinationStatus.Approaching is raised in cases where the location cannot get near enough to the destination point for DestinationStatus.Reached to be raised (such as the center of a park or shopping center, for example). RouteTracker.trackLocation needs to be called at least once before calling this method otherwise an error will be thrown. RouteTracker.trackLocation is needed for getting TrackingStatus and for handling visitFirstStopOnStart.
A Result that has no return value.