
Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters. Mosaic datasets (via the MosaicDatasetRaster class) are used to manage, display, serve, and share raster data. When you create a new mosaic dataset, it is created as an empty container in a geodatabase to which you can add raster data. The AddRastersParameters object provides the mechanism to set various properties, so that a raster can be added to a mosaic dataset via the MosaicDatasetRaster.addRasters method.

Some of the parameters (aka. properties) on AddRastersParameters class that enable adding a raster into a mosaic dataset include specifying the file filter type (like .tif or .jpg) of the rasters that are to be included (AddRastersParameters.filter property), the directory location (AddRastersParameters.inputDirectory property) of the raster files, the minimum pixel cell size of the raster to be included (AddRastersParameters.minPixelSizeFactor property) and more.





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Raster filename filter. This function sets the optional raster filename filter, which is a regular expression with ECMA-262 grammar (

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Input directory. This function sets the optional input directory of rasters.

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Input CSV file. This function sets the optional input CSV file.

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Max pixel size factor. This function sets the optional max pixel size factor.

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Min pixel size factor. This function sets the optional min pixel size factor.

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Raster function template file. This function sets the optional raster function template file.