Handles authentication challenges and exposes state for the Authenticator to display to the user.
Indicates if the authenticator should be displayed, ie. if any challenges are pending. This can be used to determine whether to display UI on the screen.
The OAuthUserConfiguration to use for any sign ins. If null, OAuth will not be used for any ArcGISAuthenticationChallenge.
The current ClientCertificateChallenge awaiting completion. Use this to complete or cancel any challenge requiring a client certificate.
The current OAuthUserSignIn awaiting completion. Use this to complete or cancel the OAuth authentication challenge.
The current ServerTrustChallenge awaiting completion. Use this to trust or distrust a server trust challenge.
The current UsernamePasswordChallenge awaiting completion. Use this to complete or cancel any challenge requiring username and password authentication.
Completes the current AuthenticatorState.pendingOAuthUserSignIn with data from the provided intent.
Dismisses any currently pending challenges.