
data class FeatureFormColorScheme(val editableTextFieldColors: EditableTextFieldColors, val readOnlyFieldColors: ReadOnlyFieldColors, val radioButtonFieldColors: RadioButtonFieldColors, val groupElementColors: GroupElementColors, val attachmentsElementColors: AttachmentsElementColors)

A color scheme that holds all the color parameters for a FeatureForm.

The scheme provides default values for all colors as a starting point for customization. These defaults are populated using MaterialTheme.

Any nested elements within a GroupFormElement will also use the same color scheme specified as part of this class.

Use FeatureFormDefaults.colorScheme to create a new instance with the default values.




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constructor(editableTextFieldColors: EditableTextFieldColors, readOnlyFieldColors: ReadOnlyFieldColors, radioButtonFieldColors: RadioButtonFieldColors, groupElementColors: GroupElementColors, attachmentsElementColors: AttachmentsElementColors)


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The color scheme to use for any Attachments elements.

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The color scheme for the editable text field types.

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The color scheme to use for any Group elements.

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The color scheme for the radio button field types.

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The color scheme for the read-only field types.