Add an Object Store to an ArcGIS Enterprise Deployment


With the ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4 release, the tile cache data store is deprecated. In a future release, it will no longer be supported. To publish hosted scene layers or hosted 3D tiles layers in an 11.4 ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, you must configure an object store. When you deploy in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure cloud, use a cloud service for the object store. See the tile cache data store deprecation notice for more information.

This sample notebook demonstrates a workflow for adding an object store in AWS or Azure using the ArcGIS API for Python. The code will work in a Python script as well.

Import Libraries

from arcgis.gis import GIS

Connect to your ArcGIS Enterprise Deployment

gis = GIS(profile="your_enterprise_admin_profile")

Note: See Storing your credentials locally for instructions on creating a profile.

List the Federated Servers

When connecting as an admin, the admin property returns access to the PortalAdminManager, and the servers property on that returns a ServerManager object to administer the Enterprise's servers:

server_mgr = gis.admin.servers
< ServerManager @ >

Use the list method to return all the servers federated with this GIS:

servers = server_mgr.list()
[< Server @ >]

Retrieve specific Server

Use list indexing to return the specific server object to which you'll add the data store:

gis_server =  servers[0]

Get the Server's Data Store Manager

With the server object, the datastores property returns a DataStoreManager object that provides access to adminstrative capabilities for data holdings of a server. These items retain important information pertinent to publishing in a Web GIS deployment. See the Data documentation for full details.

Let's demonstrate using the DataStoreManager to add an object store to our GIS. First we'll get the DataStoreManager, then construct an object representing the object store, then pass that object to the add() method to regtister the object store with the server.

datastore_mgr = gis_server.datastores

Construct the Object Store Connection object

We'll use a Python dictionary to create an object that holds all the necessary information about the object store to add it to the server. See Object store and Object store examples for specific details and requirements for creating the object.

object_str_config: dict =  {
    "path": "/cloudStores/api_object_store",
    "type": "objectStore",
    "provider": "amazon",
    "info": {
        "isManaged": True,
        "systemManaged": False,
        "isManagedData": True,
        "purposes": ["feature-tile", "scene"],
        "connectionString": "{\"accessKeyId\":\"<access_key_value>\",\"secretAccessKey\":\"<secret_access_value>\",\"regionEndpointUrl\":\"\",\"defaultEndpointsProtocol\":\"https\",\"credentialType\":\"accesskey\",\"region\":\"us-west-2\"}",
        "objectStore": "bucket/folder"

Add the Object Store to the server

object_data_store = datastore_mgr.add(
<Datastore title:"" type:"objectStore">

Validate the Data Store

---------------------------------------------------------------------------KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)Cell In[21], line 1
----> 1 object_data_store.validate()
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/geosaurus_dev_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/gis/server/admin/, in Datastore.validate(self)
    252 else:
    253     res =, params, verify_cert=False)
--> 255 return res["status"] == "success"
KeyError: 'status'

Updating the Configuration

The validation failed. There may be something in the object store construction that is causing the failure. Let's update the data store configuration.

Get the Configuration

The properties property on the object store returns the configuration.

obj_store_config =
  "path": "/cloudStores/api_object_store",
  "type": "objectStore",
  "id": "2eaad7a5-3be6-47ef-bd78-ae0e26788d53",
  "systemManaged": false,
  "provider": "amazon",
  "info": {
    "isManaged": true,
    "systemManaged": false,
    "isManagedData": true,
    "purposes": [
    "connectionString": "{crypt}B3R2/3FKfR45nMTX/Xcoj3AE5V9N2JXtYKe4DyxN0GhZOjYr6sNUWh2JBOOXh2eayeidble/AlEVlJcUhZRNGubB9VqoE4av8/BidobKtO11Fxtzt2UJqn1Q7v7uRJbHRB7drioDhNfYil0KCrNCqbtNFR4awURk8gX2tEy4GYDqXnxKkpwCi/qDr/8Xm8azV0K2NnQrlFcVsw0BT0O+2u/w8Q7GM5ZZjKx1r/rUEv1McgeLydaVveIw8WLxd+n/eboX/6Pab3Bj4HAmYba5N14/mJoerQSHmNFwFdkNCv4Yy2u/QHJQMzAhXJPazDSN4WJyzirWd9k=",
    "objectStore": "s3bucket/1091cache"

Update the configuration information

First, update the properties of the dictionary that represents the object data store connection information.

    "path": "/cloudStores/api_object_store",
    "type": "objectStore",
    "provider": "amazon",
    "info": {
        "isManaged": True,
        "systemManaged": False,
        "isManagedData": True,
        "purposes": ["feature-tile", "scene"],
        "connectionString": "{\"accessKeyId\":\"<access_key_value>\",\"secretAccessKey\":\"<secret_access_value>\",\"regionEndpointUrl\":\"\",\"defaultEndpointsProtocol\":\"https\",\"credentialType\":\"accesskey\",\"region\":\"us-west-2\"}",
        "objectStore": "1091cache",

Update the data store configuration on the server

Use the update() method to edit the data store connection information.


Validate the updated Data Store

Run the validation again, and then confirm the properties are valid.

  "path": "/cloudStores/api_object_store",
  "type": "objectStore",
  "id": "2eaad7a5-3be6-47ef-bd78-ae0e26788d53",
  "systemManaged": false,
  "provider": "amazon",
  "info": {
    "isManaged": true,
    "systemManaged": false,
    "isManagedData": true,
    "purposes": [
    "connectionString": "{\"accessKeyId\":\"<access_key_value>\",\"secretAccessKey\":\"<secret_access_value>\",\"regionEndpointUrl\":\"\",\"defaultEndpointsProtocol\":\"https\",\"credentialType\":\"accesskey\",\"region\":\"us-west-2\"}",
    "objectStore": "1091cache"

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