Inventory Organizational Content

Being able to retrieve, display, analyze, and export the content within an organization Portal are important tasks for any admin. Here we will leverage the ContentManager and UserManager classes of the GIS module, as well as some functionality from the Pandas library, to accomplish those tasks.

Import Libraries

import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display

import arcgis
from arcgis.gis import GIS

Connect to ArcGIS Online

profile_name = "my_dev_profile"

gis = GIS(profile=profile_name)
api_data owner

Bio: None
First Name: api_data
Last Name: owner
Username: api_data_owner
Joined: April 10, 2019

Querying Content

To search for content within our organization, we can access the ContentManager class via gis.content().

Using the advanced_search() method, we can query content belonging to a user by providing the string "owner: < username >". By setting the return_count parameter of advanced_search() to True, we can simply return a single integer representing the number of items which that user owns.

Let's return the number of items that belong to the user currently logged in:

qe = f"owner: {}"
my_content_count = gis.content.advanced_search(query=qe,return_count=True)
print(my_content_count, 'items found for current user')
1240 items found for current user

Searching for Content

If we leave the return_count parameter as its default value False, then we will receive a response dictionary containing metadata about the query as well as a list of returned items in the results field.

By setting the max_items parameter, we can limit the number of items that are returned in the results field.

max_items = 3
user_content = gis.content.advanced_search(query=qe, max_items=max_items)
{'query': 'owner: api_data_owner',
 'total': 1240,
 'start': 1,
 'num': 3,
 'nextStart': 4,
 'results': [<Item title:" Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe " type:StoryMap owner:api_data_owner>,
  <Item title:" Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe " type:StoryMap owner:api_data_owner>,
  <Item title:" Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe " type:StoryMap owner:api_data_owner>]}

Displaying Content

# Displaying the result items through IPython.display.display()

for item in user_content['results']:
Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe
This story map analyzes global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data. StoryMap by api_data_owner
Last Modified: January 12, 2021
0 comments, 1 views
Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe
This story map analyses global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data . StoryMap by api_data_owner
Last Modified: January 13, 2021
0 comments, 1 views
Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe
This story map analyses global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data . StoryMap by api_data_owner
Last Modified: February 15, 2021
0 comments, 0 views

It is also possible to have these items returned as dictionary objects by setting the as_dict parameter:

# return items as a dictionary with as_dict=True

user_content_as_dict = gis.content.advanced_search(
    query=qe, max_items=max_items,as_dict=True)
[{'id': 'f1b6a842fbea45bca693c2fe6622bf70',
  'owner': 'api_data_owner',
  'created': 1610462632000,
  'isOrgItem': True,
  'modified': 1610462693000,
  'guid': None,
  'name': None,
  'title': ' Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe ',
  'type': 'StoryMap',
  'typeKeywords': ['arcgis-storymaps',
   'Web Application'],
  'description': "For decades, the NASA satellites Aqua and Terra have been monitoring potential wildfires with their MODIS sensors. In this StoryMap, I delve into the data archives to look at spatial and temporal patterns and trends.<div><br /></div><div>The\xa0<a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'>original StoryMap</a>\xa0has been translated into German, courtesy of\xa0<a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'>Esri Deutschland</a>.\xa0</div>",
  'tags': ['wildfire',
   'ArcGIS Pro',
   'spatial analysis'],
  'snippet': 'This story map analyzes global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data. ',
  'thumbnail': 'thumbnail/ago_downloaded.jpg',
  'documentation': None,
  'extent': [],
  'categories': [],
  'spatialReference': None,
  'accessInformation': 'Esri',
  'licenseInfo': 'No restrictions on use or redistribution.\xa0',
  'culture': 'en-us',
  'properties': None,
  'advancedSettings': None,
  'url': '',
  'proxyFilter': None,
  'access': 'private',
  'size': -1,
  'subInfo': 0,
  'appCategories': [],
  'industries': [],
  'languages': [],
  'largeThumbnail': None,
  'banner': None,
  'screenshots': [],
  'listed': False,
  'ownerFolder': None,
  'protected': False,
  'numComments': 0,
  'numRatings': 0,
  'avgRating': 0,
  'numViews': 1,
  'scoreCompleteness': 96,
  'groupDesignations': None,
  'contentOrigin': 'self'},
 {'id': 'fb2cdb23cece4c49a28e928d70511aa7',
  'owner': 'api_data_owner',
  'created': 1610515804000,
  'isOrgItem': True,
  'modified': 1610515854000,
  'guid': None,
  'name': None,
  'title': ' Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe ',
  'type': 'StoryMap',
  'typeKeywords': ['arcgis-storymaps',
   'Web Application'],
  'description': " For decades, the NASA satellites Aqua and Terra have been monitoring potential wildfires with their MODIS sensors .  In this StoryMap, I delve into the data archives to look at spatial and temporal patterns and trends. <div><br /></div><div> The <a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'> original StoryMap </a> has been translated into German, courtesy of <a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'> Esri Germany </a> . </div>",
  'tags': ['wildfire',
   'ArcGIS Pro',
   'spatial analysis'],
  'snippet': ' This story map analyses global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data . ',
  'thumbnail': 'thumbnail/ago_downloaded.jpg',
  'documentation': None,
  'extent': [],
  'categories': [],
  'spatialReference': None,
  'accessInformation': 'Esri',
  'licenseInfo': 'No restrictions on use or redistribution.\xa0',
  'culture': 'en-us',
  'properties': None,
  'advancedSettings': None,
  'url': '',
  'proxyFilter': None,
  'access': 'private',
  'size': -1,
  'subInfo': 0,
  'appCategories': [],
  'industries': [],
  'languages': [],
  'largeThumbnail': None,
  'banner': None,
  'screenshots': [],
  'listed': False,
  'ownerFolder': None,
  'protected': False,
  'numComments': 0,
  'numRatings': 0,
  'avgRating': 0,
  'numViews': 1,
  'scoreCompleteness': 98,
  'groupDesignations': None,
  'contentOrigin': 'self'},
 {'id': '7bfce9c3f0734d5896584b21d8fc2ba9',
  'owner': 'api_data_owner',
  'created': 1613391382000,
  'isOrgItem': True,
  'modified': 1613391500000,
  'guid': None,
  'name': None,
  'title': ' Exposing patterns in land fires around the globe ',
  'type': 'StoryMap',
  'typeKeywords': ['arcgis-storymaps',
   'Web Application'],
  'description': " For decades, the NASA satellites Aqua and Terra have been monitoring potential wildfires with their MODIS sensors .  In this StoryMap, I delve into the data archives to look at spatial and temporal patterns and trends. <div><br /></div><div> The <a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'> original StoryMap </a> has been translated into German, courtesy of <a href='' rel='nofollow ugc' target='_blank'> Esri Germany </a> . </div>",
  'tags': ['wildfire',
   'ArcGIS Pro',
   'spatial analysis'],
  'snippet': ' This story map analyses global patterns in wildfires using spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro with satellite thermal data . ',
  'thumbnail': 'thumbnail/ago_downloaded.jpg',
  'documentation': None,
  'extent': [],
  'categories': [],
  'spatialReference': None,
  'accessInformation': 'Esri',
  'licenseInfo': 'No restrictions on use or redistribution.\xa0',
  'culture': 'en-us',
  'properties': None,
  'advancedSettings': None,
  'url': '',
  'proxyFilter': None,
  'access': 'private',
  'size': -1,
  'subInfo': 0,
  'appCategories': [],
  'industries': [],
  'languages': [],
  'largeThumbnail': None,
  'banner': None,
  'screenshots': [],
  'listed': False,
  'ownerFolder': None,
  'protected': False,
  'numComments': 0,
  'numRatings': 0,
  'avgRating': 0,
  'numViews': 0,
  'scoreCompleteness': 98,
  'groupDesignations': None,
  'contentOrigin': 'self'}]

Sorting Content

The sort_field and sort_order parameters of the advanced_search() method can be used to sort the returned content server side.

Possible values for sort_order are "asc" for ascending or increasing order and "desc" for descending or decreasing order. Default values for the sort_field and sort_order parameters are "title" and "asc", respectively.

In this next example we'll search for the last 3 items that the current user modified by setting sort_field="modified" and sort_order="desc":

content_last_modified = gis.content.advanced_search(
    query=qe, max_items=max_items, sort_field="modified", sort_order="desc")

for item in content_last_modified['results']:
Model Builder for Mussel Farm Detection
Model Builder for Mussel Farm DetectionGeoprocessing Sample by api_data_owner
Last Modified: December 16, 2021
0 comments, 0 views
Feature layer with bounding boxes around mussel farms.Feature Layer Collection by api_data_owner
Last Modified: December 16, 2021
0 comments, 2 views
Feature layer with bounding boxes around mussel farms.Service Definition by api_data_owner
Last Modified: December 16, 2021
0 comments, 1 views

Here we return the first 3 items that the user created by setting sort_field="created" and sort_order="asc":

content_first_created = gis.content.advanced_search(query=qe, max_items=max_items, sort_field="created", sort_order="asc")

for item in content_first_created['results']:
Seattle Bike Routes
Designate Bike Routes for Commuting ProfessionalsService Definition by api_data_owner
Last Modified: April 23, 2019
0 comments, 1 views
Seattle Bike Routes
Designate Bike Routes for Commuting ProfessionalsFeature Layer Collection by api_data_owner
Last Modified: April 23, 2019
0 comments, 13 views
Shapefile by api_data_owner
Last Modified: April 26, 2019
0 comments, 1 views

Querying Organization Content

Searching for Organization Members

We can search for a list of the members within the organization by using the UserManager class within the GIS module. Here we access the UserManager by calling gis.users, and use the search() method to return a list of organization members. The search() method will return all users in the organization if no parameters are provided:

# View UserManager object
<UserManager @>
org_users =
print(f'{len(org_users)} users found')
42 users found
[<User username:achapkowski_geosaurus>,
 <User username:amani_geosaurus>,
 <User username:andrew57>]
# Display a misc member
org_member = org_users[1]
Atma Mani

Bio: Product Engineering lead for the ArcGIS Python API development team
First Name: Atma
Last Name: Mani
Username: amani_geosaurus
Joined: December 21, 2016

Getting Member Content

Similarly to above, we can set return_count=True and see how many items this user has:

# See the number of member items
qe = "owner: " + org_member.username
member_content_count = gis.content.advanced_search(
    query=qe, max_items=-1, return_count=True)
print(f"Org member has {member_content_count} items")
Org member has 24 items
# Return <max_items> items from member
max_items = 3

member_content = gis.content.advanced_search(query=qe, max_items=max_items)
[<Item title:"Demo Initiative1" type:Hub Site Application owner:amani_geosaurus>,
 <Item title:"Demo Initiative1" type:Hub Initiative owner:amani_geosaurus>,
 <Item title:"geotaggedphotos1" type:Feature Layer Collection owner:amani_geosaurus>]

Compiling Organization Content

If we return all items for each user in the organization, we can compile those items into a single list representing all of the organizations content.

We can remove the item limit for each query by setting max_items=-1 in the advanced_search() function:

# return content for each user in org, compile into a single list

org_content = []

for user in org_users:
    qe = f"owner: {user.username}"
    user_content = gis.content.advanced_search(query=qe, max_items=-1)['results']
    org_content += user_content
print(f"{len(org_content)} items found in org")
1848 items found in org

Analyzing Organization Content with Pandas

Let's put our compiled list into a pandas DataFrame to easily view and filter our data

# Create DataFrame

content_df = pd.DataFrame(org_content)
08ec563a6886f474c8d991e7748ab4c03amani_geosaurus1558567624000True1558567631000NoneNoneDemo Initiative1Hub Site Application[Hub, hubSite, hubSolution, JavaScript, Map, M......95654.0NoneTrueupdateNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
1d1d2876870ab422488e425db4c400361amani_geosaurus1558567621000True1558567632000NoneNoneDemo Initiative1Hub Initiative[Hub, hubInitiative, OpenData]...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
272567bd147fd478da9563bc56b434870amani_geosaurus1634162116000True1634162156000Nonegeotaggedphotos1geotaggedphotos1Feature Service[ArcGIS Server, Data, Feature Access, Feature ......NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
36fd3252f1ad044869dd4f949ea4b20ccamani_geosaurus1555049137000True1555049257000NoneNonehu_indy_18pFeature Service[ArcGIS Server, Data, Feature Access, Feature ......NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
41d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3amani_geosaurus1630112960000True1630112990000None1d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3.ipynbintro to notebooksNotebook[Notebook, Python]...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN

5 rows × 51 columns

We can use the pandas function value_counts() to see how many occurrences there are of each value for a particular column. Here we return the top 10 most frequently occurring item types and the number of instances they have:

# use value_counts() to see how many items you have with a particular key:value pair
Feature Service          435
Feature Collection       429
Notebook                 342
Shapefile                129
StoryMap                  98
Service Definition        76
Image Collection          65
File Geodatabase          43
Deep Learning Package     43
Web Map                   33
Name: type, dtype: int64

Another value_counts() example where we see the distribution of access levels for each of the items in the organization:

private    815
org        518
public     513
shared       2
Name: access, dtype: int64

Using the value_counts() function in conjunction with the groupby() operation allows for an additional level of analysis. Here we see the breakdown of item types that each user has created:

owner                type                
ArcGISPyAPIBot       Notebook                31
                     Feature Service          4
                     CSV                      1
                     StoryMap                 1
                     Web Map                  1
DavidJVitale         Feature Service          1
                     Web Map                  1
MMajumdar_geosaurus  Hub Site Application     1
amani_geosaurus      Feature Service          6
                     Notebook                 4
Name: type, dtype: int64
# Viewing the number item types per access level within the org
type             access 
API Key          private    1
Application      public     1
CSV              public     9
                 private    8
CSV Collection   private    2
                 public     1
Code Attachment  public     2
Code Sample      public     6
Dashboard        public     5
                 org        2
Name: access, dtype: int64

Filtering the Dataset

We can choose which columns we'd like to view, and the order we'd like to view them in, by providing the DataFrame with a list of strings matching column names:

view_columns = ['id','title','owner','type','access']
08ec563a6886f474c8d991e7748ab4c03Demo Initiative1amani_geosaurusHub Site Applicationorg
1d1d2876870ab422488e425db4c400361Demo Initiative1amani_geosaurusHub Initiativeorg
272567bd147fd478da9563bc56b434870geotaggedphotos1amani_geosaurusFeature Serviceorg
36fd3252f1ad044869dd4f949ea4b20cchu_indy_18pamani_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
41d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3intro to notebooksamani_geosaurusNotebookpublic

Creating and applying Boolean masks is a very efficient way to the filter the rows of a DataFrame. By using standard operators such as <, >, == and != on pandas Series objects (e.g. the columns of our DataFrame), we can create a new Series of True and False values, called a mask. When this mask is applied to the original DataFrame, a new DataFrame will be returned with only the rows corresponding to where the mask had a True value.

Let's create a mask to represent all items with public level access:

filter_value = 'public'
filter_column = 'access'
row_filter = content_df[filter_column]==filter_value
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4     True
Name: access, dtype: bool

Applying this mask to our DataFrame, we return all fields for objects which have access=='public':

print(len(content_df[row_filter]), 'objects in filtered DataFrame')
513 objects in filtered DataFrame
36fd3252f1ad044869dd4f949ea4b20ccamani_geosaurus1555049137000True1555049257000NoneNonehu_indy_18pFeature Service[ArcGIS Server, Data, Feature Access, Feature ......NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
41d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3amani_geosaurus1630112960000True1630112990000None1d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3.ipynbintro to notebooksNotebook[Notebook, Python]...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
567ec03dba0d44bb1924cd8b3aebf2db4amani_geosaurus1613548980000True1613548981000NoneKMZ_ContentType_Region_UnitedNations-3.zipKMZ_ContentType_Region_UnitedNations-3KML Collection[KML Collection]...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
68df836df4d544067b715c296608beea4amani_geosaurus1591834702000True1591860089000NoneNoneLambda requests on a mapWeb Map[ArcGIS Online, Explorer Web Map, Map, Online ......NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
78443e3c2473549f0b464a6a3f295acf9amani_geosaurus1591655624000True1591655626000NoneNonelambda-credit-counterApplication[Application, Registered App]...NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN

5 rows × 51 columns

We can apply both the column filter and Boolean mask at the same time to reduce the amount of information displayed:

36fd3252f1ad044869dd4f949ea4b20cchu_indy_18pamani_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
41d3614ec5cc24382878533f8454c24a3intro to notebooksamani_geosaurusNotebookpublic
567ec03dba0d44bb1924cd8b3aebf2db4KMZ_ContentType_Region_UnitedNations-3amani_geosaurusKML Collectionpublic
68df836df4d544067b715c296608beea4Lambda requests on a mapamani_geosaurusWeb Mappublic

Another example where we create a Boolean mask for all objects of type "Web Map":

filter_value = 'Web Map'
filter_column = 'type'
row_filter = content_df[filter_column]==filter_value
68df836df4d544067b715c296608beea4Lambda requests on a mapamani_geosaurusWeb Mappublic
235776d859b5a84b1b96d5c5bbfcc0d3d3WebMap for Landfall Spotlight Articleamani_geosaurusWeb Mappublic
3681ef30218b3f41e89019160faa4de099Headless WebMap about Parksandrew57Web Mappublic
3854fd67f260fe413da84ed4f2d9e1dac2National Levee Database Mapandrew57Web Mappublic
44a478d4172870462dae95d0b26561e3acSarahAWebMapSampleandrew57Web Maporg
46ac02f94f0b8d42e59c74fdf9fb249a06VectorTileFromOtherSiteLayerandBasemapandrew57Web Mappublic
96127a87ebeede4e6c919d43b600763a3bAddresses Geocodedapi_data_ownerWeb Mapprivate
2917d76c6397380497f9879df74f80f0214Brick Kilns around Jaipur 2019api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
292e91b9226ef224e7da4f32cb034c8b94dBrick Klinks around Delhi 2014api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
293711b1725f6334aeca2151734b37d3c50Brick Klinks around Delhi 2019api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
4066527ca7eea2a4cad826e11f298d09500Coastline_Indiaapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
407a3e8eda445c34e95bdef7aa75bdd8a77Coastline_India_l8api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
4837d4f5249de15493a9916c03e509b831cslums_2004api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
484f3f7d8c728e74230baeed747a5322ba5slums_2014api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
5422fecd25df8624a41b15dfc97ed4c8f98Superresolution Inferenced Mapapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
5572051a50d9370428297dc08a87db4a43foma-test-mapapi_data_ownerWeb Maporg
5587cb38a3325564607a81c0da5733bfbfcoma-test-map-updatesapi_data_ownerWeb Mapprivate
559966cba4a3bfe487692b305d923fe2777oma-test-map-updates-052220api_data_ownerWeb Mapprivate
5736b43fb3f165245e3b72eba2ff2357d98Parcel_extraction_results_e02api_data_ownerWeb Mapprivate
8232303b34ac97b4689bd5ff851d5982a96USA_coastlineapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
87066db719c5a7844a0b681876f7cd4c269wm-test-n-layersapi_data_ownerWeb Maporg
871d0772d26a75141f9ac11998c16b06eedwm-test-n-layers-dgrayapi_data_ownerWeb Maporg
9237fe016b30663401baf415f4dd1078d36Extracted land parcelsapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
13116d8e89f6fb0a4c8a8bb5e059846425d9GiraffesArcGISPyAPIBotWeb Maporg
1338b270d508a6354c6c84510e83f94ebf19API_downloads_across_globearcgis_pythonWeb Maporg
1376ebc72a274dff4315b703e5de0a894831Location Allocation example of Pizza Stores in...arcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
137827a956e9da094da98ebba3312a456078Map_View_Google Drive Imagearcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1380e66622a75ac14fffaf2e8223025479a0Mobiliario Madridarcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1802c0da3fa83cd34379b49c56a33247910bwMap5_withChartsarcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1803393e05923b7c4d289d305273b30a1ea3testingDavidJVitaleWeb Mappublic
18083c9ab685601748b9b55f06c6a529d070Chicago Libraries 2012jyaist_geosaurusWeb Maporg
18114aeed784e57043e49895293e576f732aGuinea Power Plantsjyaist_geosaurusWeb Mapshared
18350c4170b6934245269ffc3f41acbb4a87LeafPickupMapnaubry_geosaurusWeb Maporg

Boolean masks can also be combined to represent multiple filters. Here we combine the Web Map and Public masks to return all items in our organization which are public web maps:

# Combining masks
web_map_filter = content_df.type=='Web Map'
public_filter = content_df.access=='public'
combined_mask = web_map_filter & public_filter

68df836df4d544067b715c296608beea4Lambda requests on a mapamani_geosaurusWeb Mappublic
235776d859b5a84b1b96d5c5bbfcc0d3d3WebMap for Landfall Spotlight Articleamani_geosaurusWeb Mappublic
3681ef30218b3f41e89019160faa4de099Headless WebMap about Parksandrew57Web Mappublic
3854fd67f260fe413da84ed4f2d9e1dac2National Levee Database Mapandrew57Web Mappublic
46ac02f94f0b8d42e59c74fdf9fb249a06VectorTileFromOtherSiteLayerandBasemapandrew57Web Mappublic
2917d76c6397380497f9879df74f80f0214Brick Kilns around Jaipur 2019api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
292e91b9226ef224e7da4f32cb034c8b94dBrick Klinks around Delhi 2014api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
293711b1725f6334aeca2151734b37d3c50Brick Klinks around Delhi 2019api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
4066527ca7eea2a4cad826e11f298d09500Coastline_Indiaapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
407a3e8eda445c34e95bdef7aa75bdd8a77Coastline_India_l8api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
4837d4f5249de15493a9916c03e509b831cslums_2004api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
484f3f7d8c728e74230baeed747a5322ba5slums_2014api_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
5422fecd25df8624a41b15dfc97ed4c8f98Superresolution Inferenced Mapapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
8232303b34ac97b4689bd5ff851d5982a96USA_coastlineapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
9237fe016b30663401baf415f4dd1078d36Extracted land parcelsapi_data_ownerWeb Mappublic
1376ebc72a274dff4315b703e5de0a894831Location Allocation example of Pizza Stores in...arcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
137827a956e9da094da98ebba3312a456078Map_View_Google Drive Imagearcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1380e66622a75ac14fffaf2e8223025479a0Mobiliario Madridarcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1802c0da3fa83cd34379b49c56a33247910bwMap5_withChartsarcgis_pythonWeb Mappublic
1803393e05923b7c4d289d305273b30a1ea3testingDavidJVitaleWeb Mappublic

The apply() method can also be used to generate masks that can't be created using the standard comparison operators. As long as the function called within the apply method has a Boolean output, then the result can be used as a mask to filter rows. Here we use a lambda function to return all items which have a type that ends with the word "Service".

# Creating masks with .apply and lambda functions

service_filter = content_df.type.apply(lambda x: x.endswith('Service'))
272567bd147fd478da9563bc56b434870geotaggedphotos1amani_geosaurusFeature Serviceorg
36fd3252f1ad044869dd4f949ea4b20cchu_indy_18pamani_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
9d77abcdc3f04488f84ad22bc7afdfcadLandfall density 2amani_geosaurusMap Servicepublic
11ffef49c345154bc5b24c8e2e39587ec4Landfall Spotlight Article_WFL1amani_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
19e0959e7018914be0931a9f15efb56c94request_locationsamani_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
1830f129290c5da14d7884b26951eddd6b29KingCo_PropertyInfomaggarwal_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
1832af59408fd19a4a1c99e14ff09967e394Uganda_Boundarymaggarwal_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic
183442e944d92e1346f5a4229aa76841e5c2Leaf_Pickup_Routesnaubry_geosaurusFeature Serviceorg
18371cc19cce694e4caf95ce4471befd55b7Vexcel_Houston_NadirrohitgeoImage Servicepublic
1846b120ffa7170f4be0b5aaad8a284c6be5Trailheadsyjiang_geosaurusFeature Servicepublic

451 rows × 5 columns

Accessing Content by ID

Once we've identified an item of interest in our DataFrame, we can return the content of that item by providing its ID to the ContentManager get() method. If we know the index of the object in the DataFrame (i.e. the leftmost value), then we can access that row's information using the loc() method. From there we can get the id of the item and provide it to the get method.

# Return the index of the last item in the previous output
# In this example the index column is labelled 'name'

target_index = content_df[service_filter].iloc[-1].name
print("Target index:", target_index)
Target index: 1846
# Accessing items with content.get()
target_data = content_df.loc[target_index]
target_content = gis.content.get(
Feature Layer Collection by yjiang_geosaurus
Last Modified: July 28, 2020
0 comments, 16 views

For more information on using item ids, see this community post.

Exporting Data

Pandas provides a convenient to_csv() method which can be used to generate zipped and unzipped csv outputs. Simply provide your target path with the appropriate file extension and call the method on the DataFrame object you would like to export.

# Exporting data to a csv
target_path = "org_content.csv"
# Exporting data to gzipped csv file
target_path_gzip = "org_content.csv.gz"
# Exporting data to zipped csv file
target_path_zip = ""

Pandas also provides additional methods for exporting the data as different file formats (e.g. to_json(), to_pickle(), to_excel()) which behave similarly.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
