Administration: Manage and Allocate Credits

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  • 🗄️ Administration
  • 💰 Credit Management


  • 🔒 Administrator Privileges

Service credits are the currency used across ArcGIS and are consumed for specific transactions and types of storage such as storing features, performing analytics, and using premium content. Any ArcGIS software that interacts with ArcGIS Online can use credits. Managing credit expenditures is an important component of administering our organization.

To get started managing our credits, let's connect to our organization:

from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS("home")

There is a CreditManager instance exposed on our gis via gis.admin.credits. We can use this to view, allocate credits to our users, set a default limit etc. Run the below cell to view the total amount of credits in our organization:


Managing credits through credit budgeting

The credit budgeting feature of ArcGIS Online allows administrators to view, limit and allocate credits to its users. Learn more about credit budgeting here.

We can use the enable() method to turn on credit budgeting.


We can use the is_enabled property to verify if credit budgeting is turned on.


Once we turn on credit budgeting, we can set a default limit for the number of credits for each user. In addition to this, we can set custom limits to users as well. Default limit applies when we create a new user and do not set a custom limit.


Note: If credit budgetting is not enabled/not configured for the organization, the above value will show up as -1, and some_user.assignedCredits will also show up as -1. This means that there is no limit, any user can use up to the number of credits in the org.

Allocating credits to a user

We can use the allocate() and deallocate() methods to allocate custom number of credits or remove credits from any user in an organization. Let's apply this logic to ourselves.

me =

First Name: Demo
Last Name: Account

Run the below cell to allocate 1/10th of our organization's credits to us:

credits_alloc = gis.admin.credits.credits / 10

Checking credits assigned and available to a user

When we turn on credit budgeting, the User object gets additional properties to indicate the assignedCredits and remaining avialableCredits. Run the below cells to view our assigned credits and available credits:


As users in our organization continue to use credits, the availableCredits property can be used to check how much is available for that account. If a user does not have a limit set, then the total available credits in the org become their available credits. The account shown below as not custom limit, hence, it inherits the org's total limit. Run the below cell to check the amount of credits for an arbitrary user:

some_user ="some_user")[0]

Disable credit budgeting

We can disable credit budgetting by calling the disable() method.


Additional Resources

To learn more about credit management in ArcGIS Online, see these resources:

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
