Obsolete Members for GeodatabaseSyncTaskUtility

  • Esri.ArcGISRuntime
  • GeodatabaseSyncTaskUtility
  • The following members of QML type GeodatabaseSyncTaskUtility are deprecated. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.




    Property Documentation

    [read-only] importGeodatabaseDeltaResults : list<SyncLayerResult>

    This property is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Returns the list of SyncLayerResult objects that are the result of importing a geodatabase delta (read-only). This is deprecated at 200.0. Use importDeltaResults instead

    [read-only] importGeodatabaseDeltaStatus : Enums.TaskStatus

    This property is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Returns the current status of the importDelta method (read-only).

    This is deprecated at 200.0. Use importDeltaStatus instead

    See also Enums.TaskStatus.

    Signal Documentation


    This signal is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Emitted when the importDeltaStatus property of this GeodatabaseSyncTaskUtility changes. This is deprecated at 200.0. Use importDeltaStatusChanged() instead

    Note: The corresponding handler is onImportGeodatabaseDeltaStatusChanged.

    Method Documentation

    string importGeodatabaseDelta(Geodatabase geodatabase, string pathToDeltaFile)

    This method is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Starts a task to import a geodatabase delta and applies it to the given geodatabase.

    A delta geodatabase contains the changes that have occurred since a mobile replica Geodatabase was last-synchronized with the feature service. See https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/synchronize-replica.htm for an overview of the delta files used in synchronization. A "download" delta geodatabase contains the online edits that will be imported to the local geodatabase.

    • geodatabase - The mobile geodatabase to apply the import to.
    • pathToDeltaFile - The path to delta file on the local file system to import the delta from.

    You should not execute more than one sync on a particular geodatabase at the same time. This includes any operations that export or import deltas from the local Geodatabase:

    Returns the task ID for the new task. This is deprecated at 200.0. Use importDelta(Geodatabase geodatabase, string pathToDeltaFile) instead

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