UI tools for C++ apps with Qt Quick/QML UI

QML views


A view for handling authentication challenges and automatically launching the appropriate UI for each type of authentication


User interface for the BasemapGallery


User interface for the BookmarksView


A view for displaying information at a geographic location on a Map


User interface for the coordinate conversion tool


Displays and filters the available floor aware layers in the current GeoModel. This component supports manual selection and text-based filtering for sites and facilities. Once a site and facility is selected, levels can be selected and the GeoView will be updated


Displays a compass overlaid on the GeoView, with the compass heading matching the current rotation of the MapView, or Camera heading of the SceneView. Double clicking on the NorthArrow triggers the heading of the connected GeoView to be orientainted to 0


Defines a small "overview" (or "inset") map displaying a representation of the current viewpoint of the given GeoView. For MapViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a polygon displaying the visible area of the MapView. For SceneViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a reticle (crosshairs) displaying the viewpoint center


A view for displaying and editing information of GeoElements, including Features and Graphics


A view for displaying and editing information about a feature


A Scalebar control that shows an accurate distance that can be used to visually gauge distances on a map view. The measurement system used is controlled by unitSystem. The units used will be appropriate to the distance being shown e.g. km for long distances and m for shorter distances


Enables users to search for one or more locations or features, from a variety of sources, with suggestions


Slider provides a user interface for manually setting or animating changes to the current time extent of the GeoView


User interface for the UtilityNetworkTrace tool

C++ controllers & associated classes


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding AuthenticationView


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Bookmark view. This class handles the management of the BookmarkListItem objects, and displays the current bookmark


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding CoordinateConversion view


CoordinateConversionOption is a collection of properties that dictates how a Point should be converted to and from a string


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding NorthArrow view


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding PopupView


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Scalebar view


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding TimeSlider


In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Utility Network Trace that enables trace analysis to be performed on a Utility Network with the selected named trace configuration and starting points

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
