Java find nearby features REST SOE

This sample illustrates how to develop a REST server object extension (SOE) with a new spatial query operation. The spatial query operation returns all the features of a map service layer that fall within the user-defined search distance of a location point.

Deploying the SOE from the .soe file (../findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe/target/findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe.soe) does not require you to open a Java IDE. However, you can open the project (../findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe) in a Java IDE, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ, to debug, modify, and recompile the SOE code.


  • ServerUtilities.createOperation()
  • ServerUtilities.createResource()
  • SpatialFilter
  • IMapServer.QueryData()

Sample data

This sample uses the Veg map service as the sample service to test with the SOE.


Deploy the SOE

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Server Manager and click the Site tab.
  2. Click Extensions.
  3. Click Add Extension.
  4. Click Choose File and choose the findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe.soe file (../findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe/target/findnearbyfeaturesrestsoe.soe).
  5. Click Add.

Enable the SOE on a map service

  1. Make sure you have published the Veg map service using ArcGIS Pro. If not, refer to Veg map service
  2. Log in to ArcGIS Server Manager and click the Services tab. Select Veg map service and select Capabilities.
  3. In the list of available capabilities, find Java Find Nearby Features REST SOE and check the box to enable it.
  4. Click the Save and Restart button to restart the service.

Test the SOE in the ArcGIS Server Services Directory

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the REST services endpoint of the Veg map service (URL: http://<serverdomain>/<webadaptorname>/rest/services/Veg/MapServer).

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the above page and click JavaFindNearbyFeaturesRESTSOE in Supported Extensions.

    This leads to the SOE's root page, at the following URL:



  3. Click the featureLayers child resource to test the child resource response.

  4. Navigate back to the SOE's root page and click findNearbyFeatures in Supported Operations.

    Type 0 in the layerId input box, {x:544000,y:4900000, spatialReference:{wkid:26712}} in the location input box, and 50000 in the distance box. This indicates the spatial query is performed within 5000 meters of the location point (x:544000, y:4900000) for the first layer. Click the findNearFeatures button. You will see the JSON of 38 features returned.


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