ArcGISFeatureTable class final

A table of features that typically represent real-world objects created from an ArcGIS feature service or an ArcGIS geodatabase.

This is the base class for the ArcGIS specific feature tables GeodatabaseFeatureTable and ServiceFeatureTable. You can create instances of these subclasses using their constructors.

If the FeatureTable.hasGeometry is true, you can display the features in an ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene. To do this create a FeatureLayer from the feature table and add it to the map or scene's collection of operational layers (GeoModel.operationalLayers). The ArcGISFeatureTable can also contain features that do not have a geometry (FeatureTable.hasGeometry is false).

ArcGISFeatureTable provides methods for querying related features (for example, ArcGISFeatureTable.queryRelatedFeaturesAsync(ArcGISFeature)), and methods to create new features based on a FeatureSubtype or a FeatureTemplate.



defaultSubtypeCode → dynamic
The table's default subtype code.
no setter
displayName String
A user-friendly name that can be displayed in the UI (for example, in a Table of Contents).
getter/setter pairinherited
editableAttributeFields List<Field>
A list of editable fields.
no setter
extent Envelope?
The geographic extent of features within the table.
no setterinherited
featureSubtypes List<FeatureSubtype>
The table's feature subtypes.
no setter
featureTemplates List<FeatureTemplate>
A list of the feature templates on this table.
no setter
featureTypes List<FeatureType>
The feature types for this table.
no setter
fields List<Field>
The collection of Field objects representing the fields of the feature table.
no setterinherited
geometryType GeometryType
The type of geometry of the features stored in this table.
no setterinherited
globalIdField String
The global id field name.
no setter
hasAttachments bool
True if the features in this table have attachments, false otherwise.
no setter
hasGeometry bool
True if the feature table supports geographic features, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasM bool
True if the feature table supports geometries with M values, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
hasZ bool
True if the feature table supports geometries with Z values, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
isEditable bool
True if this feature table is editable, false otherwise.
no setterinherited
layer Layer?
The layer that displays this table, if any.
no setterinherited
layerInfo ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo?
The service information related to the feature layer.
no setter
loadError ArcGISException?
The load error.
no setterinherited
loadStatus LoadStatus
The load status.
no setterinherited
numberOfFeatures int
The number of features in the table.
no setterinherited
objectIdField String
The object id field name.
no setter
onLoadStatusChanged Stream<LoadStatus>
A stream that reports changes to the LoadStatus.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serviceLayerId int
The layer ID in the feature service that this table was created from.
no setter
spatialReference SpatialReference?
The spatial reference of the table.
no setterinherited
subtypeField String
The table's subtype field.
no setter
tableName String
The name of the table in the source dataset.
no setterinherited
typeIdField String
The type id field name.
no setter
useAdvancedSymbology bool
True if the table is using advanced symbology, false otherwise.
getter/setter pair
username String
The username of the feature table.
no setter


addFeature(Feature feature) Future<void>
Adds a feature to the table.
addFeatureCancelable(Feature feature) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of addFeature. See that method for more information.
addFeatures(List<Feature> features) Future<void>
Adds a collection of features to the table.
addFeaturesCancelable(List<Feature> features) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of addFeatures. See that method for more information.
canAdd() bool
Determines whether you can add new features to the table.
cancelLoad() → void
Cancels loading metadata for the object.
canDelete({required Feature feature}) bool
Determines whether you can delete the feature from the table.
canEditGeometry() bool
Determines whether you can edit the geometry field in a table.
canUpdate({required Feature feature}) bool
Determines whether you can update the feature in the table.
createFeature({Map<String, dynamic> attributes = const {}, Geometry? geometry}) Feature
Creates a new feature with the provided attribute values and, optionally, geometry.
createFeatureWithSubtype(FeatureSubtype featureSubtype, {Geometry? geometry}) ArcGISFeature
Creates a new feature based on the provided feature subtype and geometry.
createFeatureWithTemplate(FeatureTemplate featureTemplate, {Geometry? geometry}) ArcGISFeature
Creates a new feature based on the provided feature template and geometry.
createFeatureWithType(FeatureType featureType, {Geometry? geometry}) ArcGISFeature
Creates a new feature based on the provided feature type and geometry.
deleteFeature(Feature feature) Future<void>
Deletes a feature from the table.
deleteFeatureCancelable(Feature feature) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of deleteFeature. See that method for more information.
deleteFeatures(List<Feature> features) Future<void>
Deletes a collection of features from the table.
deleteFeaturesCancelable(List<Feature> features) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of deleteFeatures. See that method for more information.
getAddedFeatures() Future<FeatureQueryResult>
Returns the features added since the last sync.
getAddedFeaturesCancelable() CancelableOperation<FeatureQueryResult>
Cancelable version of getAddedFeatures. See that method for more information.
getAddedFeaturesCount() Future<int>
Returns the number of features added since the last sync.
getAddedFeaturesCountCancelable() CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of getAddedFeaturesCount. See that method for more information.
getDeletedFeatures() Future<FeatureQueryResult>
Returns the features deleted since the last sync.
getDeletedFeaturesCancelable() CancelableOperation<FeatureQueryResult>
Cancelable version of getDeletedFeatures. See that method for more information.
getDeletedFeaturesCount() Future<int>
Returns the number of features deleted since the last sync.
getDeletedFeaturesCountCancelable() CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of getDeletedFeaturesCount. See that method for more information.
getFeatureTemplate({required String name}) FeatureTemplate?
Searches for the feature template with the given name.
getFeatureType({required String name}) FeatureType?
Searches for the feature type with the given name.
getField({required String fieldName}) Field?
Retrieves the field with the given name.
getLocalEdits() Future<LocalFeatureEditsResult>
Returns all the features that were added, updated or deleted since the last sync.
getLocalEditsCancelable() CancelableOperation<LocalFeatureEditsResult>
Cancelable version of getLocalEdits. See that method for more information.
getLocalEditsCount() Future<int>
Returns the number of features that were added, updated or deleted since the last sync.
getLocalEditsCountCancelable() CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of getLocalEditsCount. See that method for more information.
getRelatedTables() List<ArcGISFeatureTable>
Returns a list of all related tables that have been added to the map.
getRelatedTablesWithRelationshipInfo({required RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo}) List<ArcGISFeatureTable>
Returns list of tables related by the given relationship info.
getUpdatedFeatures() Future<FeatureQueryResult>
Returns the features updated since the last sync.
getUpdatedFeaturesCancelable() CancelableOperation<FeatureQueryResult>
Cancelable version of getUpdatedFeatures. See that method for more information.
getUpdatedFeaturesCount() Future<int>
Returns the number of features updated since the last sync.
getUpdatedFeaturesCountCancelable() CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of getUpdatedFeaturesCount. See that method for more information.
hasLocalEdits() bool
Checks whether the feature table has local edits.
load() Future<void>
Loads the metadata for the object asynchronously.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queryExtent({required QueryParameters queryParameters}) Future<Envelope>
Determines the minimum bounding envelope that contains features satisfying the provided query parameters.
queryExtentCancelable({required QueryParameters queryParameters}) CancelableOperation<Envelope>
Cancelable version of queryExtent. See that method for more information.
queryFeatureCount({required QueryParameters queryParameters}) Future<int>
Determines the count of features that satisfy the provided query parameters.
queryFeatureCountCancelable({required QueryParameters queryParameters}) CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of queryFeatureCount. See that method for more information.
queryFeatures({required QueryParameters parameters}) Future<FeatureQueryResult>
Submits a query against the table.
queryFeaturesCancelable({required QueryParameters parameters}) CancelableOperation<FeatureQueryResult>
Cancelable version of queryFeatures. See that method for more information.
queryRelatedFeatureCount({required ArcGISFeature feature, RelatedQueryParameters? parameters}) Future<int>
Performs a query that returns the number of related features to supplied feature based on the parameters.
queryRelatedFeatureCountCancelable({required ArcGISFeature feature, RelatedQueryParameters? parameters}) CancelableOperation<int>
Cancelable version of queryRelatedFeatureCount. See that method for more information.
queryRelatedFeatures({required ArcGISFeature feature, RelatedQueryParameters? parameters}) Future<List<RelatedFeatureQueryResult>>
Queries for related features of a given feature in a specific relationship.
queryRelatedFeaturesCancelable({required ArcGISFeature feature, RelatedQueryParameters? parameters}) CancelableOperation<List<RelatedFeatureQueryResult>>
Cancelable version of queryRelatedFeatures. See that method for more information.
queryStatistics({required StatisticsQueryParameters statisticsQueryParameters}) Future<StatisticsQueryResult>
Calculates values for the requested statistics.
queryStatisticsCancelable({required StatisticsQueryParameters statisticsQueryParameters}) CancelableOperation<StatisticsQueryResult>
Cancelable version of queryStatistics. See that method for more information.
retryLoad() Future<void>
Loads or retries loading metadata for the object asynchronously.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateFeature(Feature feature) Future<void>
Updates a feature in the table.
updateFeatureCancelable(Feature feature) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of updateFeature. See that method for more information.
updateFeatures(List<Feature> features) Future<void>
Updates a collection of features in the table.
updateFeaturesCancelable(List<Feature> features) CancelableOperation<void>
Cancelable version of updateFeatures. See that method for more information.
validateRelationshipConstraints({required ArcGISFeature feature}) Future<RelationshipConstraintViolationType>
Validates constraints for a given feature participating in a relationship.
validateRelationshipConstraintsCancelable({required ArcGISFeature feature}) CancelableOperation<RelationshipConstraintViolationType>
Cancelable version of validateRelationshipConstraints. See that method for more information.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.