packagingStatus property

PreplannedPackagingStatus packagingStatus

Describes the packaging status of the online map area.

This property allows you to check whether an online PreplannedMapArea is in a PreplannedPackagingStatus.complete state and ready to be downloaded.

If you attempt to load a PreplannedMapArea that is not PreplannedPackagingStatus.complete the PreplannedMapArea will fail to load with an error of ArcGISExceptionType.commonIllegalState.

There are four possible values:

If the packaging status is PreplannedPackagingStatus.processing you can check it again following these steps:

  1. Create a new PortalItem instance using the PortalItem.uri in the PreplannedMapArea.portalItem.
  2. Create a new PreplannedMapArea using the portal item PreplannedMapArea.withItem.
  3. Load the PreplannedMapArea and check PreplannedMapArea.packagingStatus.


PreplannedPackagingStatus get packagingStatus {
  final coreValue = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_PreplannedMapArea_getPackagingStatus(
        _handle, errorHandler);
  return PreplannedPackagingStatus._fromCoreValue(coreValue);