Class LabelStackSeparator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class LabelStackSeparator extends Object implements JsonSerializable
A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text.

A single separator consists of:

  • the separator character that should potentially be replaced by a line break
  • if the separator should always be used for line break
  • if the separator should remain visible
  • if the separator should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • LabelStackSeparator Link icon

      public LabelStackSeparator()
      Creates a label stack separator with default values.

      The default separator has an empty getSeparator() and will be ignored.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getBreakPosition Link icon

      public LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition getBreakPosition()
      Gets the position where the separator will be written, if used and remaining visible.

      Whether the separator code point should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next, if chosen as a line break position. This does not matter if the separator is not to be visible when used.

      The default value is LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition.AUTOMATIC which will give the same behavior as LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition.AFTER.

      the position where the separator will be written, if used and remaining visible
    • setBreakPosition Link icon

      public void setBreakPosition(LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition breakPosition)
      Sets the position where the separator will be written, if used and remaining visible.

      Whether the separator code point should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next, if chosen as a line break position. This does not matter if the separator is not to be visible when used.

      breakPosition - the position where the separator will be written, if used and remaining visible
      IllegalArgumentException - if breakPosition is null
    • isForced Link icon

      public boolean isForced()
      Indicates whether a line break must be inserted when the getSeparator() is encountered.

      The default value is false.

      true if a line break must be inserted, false if not
    • setForced Link icon

      public void setForced(boolean forced)
      Sets whether a line break must be inserted when the getSeparator() is encountered.
      forced - true if a line break must be inserted, false if not
    • getSeparator Link icon

      public String getSeparator()
      Gets a String intended to describe one code point.

      Each LabelStackSeparator specifies a code point to be looked for in the text. A code point is often thought of as a single character in the text, but may need several chars in a String to describe it. For example:

      • to use a comma as a separator, the String would be just ","
      • to use a Hebrew punctuation Paseq as a separator, the String would need to encode the code point with the UTF16 value "\u05c0".

      The default value is an empty string, meaning that the LabelStackSeparator will be ignored.

      a String intended to describe one code point
    • setSeparator Link icon

      public void setSeparator(String separator)
      Sets a String intended to describe one code point.

      Each LabelStackSeparator specifies a code point to be looked for in the text. A code point is often thought of as a single character in the text, but may need several chars in a String to describe it. For example:

      • to use a comma as a separator, the String would be just ","
      • to use a Hebrew punctuation Paseq as a separator, the String would need to encode the code point with the UTF16 value "\u05c0".
      separator - a String intended to describe one code point
      IllegalArgumentException - if separator is null
    • isVisible Link icon

      public boolean isVisible()
      Indicates whether the separator should still be visible, if chosen as a line break position.

      For example, a user may wish to keep a hyphenation mark at the end of a row of text, but hide a comma. The default value is false.

      true if the separator should still be visible, false if not
    • setVisible Link icon

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Gets whether the separator should still be visible, if chosen as a line break position.

      For example, a user may wish to keep a hyphenation mark at the end of a row of text, but hide a comma.

      visible - true if the separator should still be visible, false if not
    • fromJson Link icon

      public static LabelStackSeparator fromJson(String json)
      Creates a LabelStackSeparator instance from a JSON string.
      json - a JSON string that represents a LabelStackSeparator
      a LabelStackSeparator instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if json is null or empty
    • toJson Link icon

      public String toJson()
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
      Serializes this object to a JSON string. Note that unknown JSON is omitted from the serialized string.
      Specified by:
      toJson in interface JsonSerializable
      a JSON string
    • getUnknownJson Link icon

      public Map<String,Object> getUnknownJson()
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
      Gets unknown data from the source JSON.

      Unknown JSON is a Map of values not defined in the ArcGIS specification used to create this object but found in the source JSON. If the object is written back to JSON, any unknown JSON data is not persisted. The ArcGIS specification may be for a web map, web scene, REST API, and so on.

      Specified by:
      getUnknownJson in interface JsonSerializable
      an unmodifiable Map containing unknown data from the source JSON
    • getUnsupportedJson Link icon

      public Map<String,Object> getUnsupportedJson()
      Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
      Gets unsupported data from the source JSON.

      Unsupported JSON is a Map of values defined in the ArcGIS specification used to create this object but not currently used in this API. If the object is written back to JSON, any unsupported JSON data is persisted. The ArcGIS specification may be from a web map, web scene, REST API, and so on.

      Specified by:
      getUnsupportedJson in interface JsonSerializable
      an unmodifiable Map containing unsupported data from the source JSON