Creates a collection of locations using vertices from an input polyline. The generated locations are available from the SimulatedLocationDataSource.locations property. These location properties are populated based on the inputs: Location.timestamp, Location.position, Location.speed, The Location.course property is calculated based on the inputs. These location properties are not set: Location.horizontalAccuracy, Location.verticalAccuracy, Location.lastKnown
A polyline that defines a simulated travel path.
Creates a collection of locations along an input polyline based on simulation parameters. The generated locations are available from the SimulatedLocationDataSource.locations property. Distance between each location on the polyline is determined by the value of SimulationParameters.velocity. If velocity is 10 meters per second, for example, the distance between locations will be 10 meters. The Location.timestamp values will always be 1 second apart. These location properties will be set based on the inputs: Location.timestamp, Location.position, Location.speed, Location.horizontalAccuracy, Location.verticalAccuracy The Location.course property will be calculated based on the inputs and the Location.lastKnown property will not be set.
A polyline that defines a simulated travel path.
Parameters to control how locations are created from the polyline.