A KML image coordinate object. According to the OGC 2.3 specification in section 16.26.2 ( "Specifies an image coordinate system. The x and y values may each be specified in three different ways - as pixels (pixels), as fractions of the icon (fraction), or as inset pixels (insetPixels), which is an offset in pixels from the upper right corner of the icon. They may or may not be specified in a consistent manner - for example, x can be specified in pixels and y as a fraction." Use the KmlUnitsType enumeration (either via the KmlImageCoordinate.xUnits and KmlImageCoordinate.yUnits properties or via the KmlImageCoordinate.KmlImageCoordinate constructor) to establish the KML image coordinate system. The KmlUnitsType.Pixels and KmlUnitsType.InsetPixels image coordinate systems are defined with device-independent pixels (DIPs).