Package-level declarations


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sealed class KmlAltitudeMode

Determines how altitude values should be interpreted.

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sealed class KmlColorMode

A KML color mode object.

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sealed class KmlColorStyle

KMLColorStyle defines how KMLNode will appear based on the specified Color and ColorMode properties. For KMLIcon objects, the Color that is specified is blended with the existing color of the base image. Due to this blending effect, to have the exact color appear that was specified by the Color property, it is recommended that the base image be white. Also note that, because Color defaults to white, the Color property of KMLIcon will result in the original color of the base image.

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sealed class KmlContainer : KmlNode

A KML Container object. A KML container element holds one or more KML nodes and allows the creation of nested hierarchies.

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A KML dataset object. KML dataset represents the current state of the KML data specified in a KML/KMZ file.

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The data class emitted from the KmlDataset.kmlNodeRefreshStatusChanged SharedFlow.

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A KML Document object. A KML document is a container for features and styles.

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A KML Folder object. A KML folder is used to arrange other Features hierarchically (Folders, Placemarks, NetworkLinks, or Overlays). A KML node is visible only if it and all its ancestors are visible.

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A KML geometry object. A KML geometry contains all the KML specific information associated with a Geometry.

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sealed class KmlGeometryType

The list of KML geometry types. This is used to determine KML node type.

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sealed class KmlGraphicType

The list of KML graphic types. This is used to determine KML node type.

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A KML GroundOverlay object. KML GroundOverlay is an image overlay draped on to the terrain.

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class KmlIcon

A KML icon object. A KML icon specifies the location and refresh paramaters of an overlay image.

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A KML icon style object. Specifies how icons for placemarks and photo overlays with a point geometry are drawn. Color is blended with the existing color of the icon.

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A KML image coordinate object. According to the OGC 2.3 specification in section 16.26.2 ( "Specifies an image coordinate system. The x and y values may each be specified in three different ways - as pixels (pixels), as fractions of the icon (fraction), or as inset pixels (insetPixels), which is an offset in pixels from the upper right corner of the icon. They may or may not be specified in a consistent manner - for example, x can be specified in pixels and y as a fraction." Use the KmlUnitsType enumeration (either via the KmlImageCoordinate.xUnits and KmlImageCoordinate.yUnits properties or via the KmlImageCoordinate.KmlImageCoordinate(Double, Double, KmlUnitsType, KmlUnitsType) constructor) to establish the KML image coordinate system. The KmlUnitsType.Pixels and KmlUnitsType.InsetPixels image coordinate systems are defined with device-independent pixels (DIPs).

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Specifies how the name of a KmlNode is drawn, including color and scale. Controls how the \ of a KmlNode is displayed. Corresponds to a \ in a KML document. Controls the color and scale of the name label.

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Specifies the drawing style (color, color mode, and line width) for all line geometry. Line geometry includes the outlines of outlined polygons and the extruded "tether" of Placemark icons (if extrusion is enabled).

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sealed class KmlListItemType

The list of KML list item types. Defines how visibility selection should work, enabling either single or multiple selection of child nodes of a document, folder, or network link.

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A KML NetworkLink object. A KML NetworkLink is a reference to a KML file or KMZ archive on a local or remote network.

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sealed class KmlNode

A KML node object. KML is a file format used to display geographic data (geometric shapes, symbology and attributes). KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard. The KML files are often distributed in KMZ files, which are zipped KML files with a .kmz extension.

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A KML PhotoOverlay object. KML PhotoOverlay is a photo overlay draped on a shape.

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A KML Placemark object. A KML Placemark is a KML node with associated Geometry.

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Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions (which look like the walls of buildings) and line extrusions (which look like solid fences). Controls how the \ of a KmlNode is displayed and whether or not the \ of a KmlNode is displayed. If the outline is displayed, the outline will use the current KmlLineStyle. Corresponds to a \ in a KML document.

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sealed class KmlRefreshMode

The list of KML refresh modes. Defines the time-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.

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sealed class KmlRefreshStatus

The list of KML refresh status event types.

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A KML ScreenOverlay object. KML ScreenOverlay is an image overlay fixed to the screen. ScreenOverlays may be used for compasses, logos and heads-up displays.

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class KmlStyle

Specifies the drawing style for a KmlNode. Controls the drawing style for the icon, line, polygon, and/or label or a KmlNode. A KmlStyle is made up of several substyles, including KmlIconStyle, KmlLineStyle, KmlPolygonStyle, and KmlLabelStyle. Not all node types support styling. For example, a KmlTour node cannot be stylized.

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A KML Tour object. KML Tour is an executed Playlist commands.

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A KML tour controller object. Use KML tour controller to play, pause or reset a KML tour It notifies the application to play sound cues or show/hide balloon popups as specified in a tour playlist.

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sealed class KmlTourStatus

The list of KML tour status event types.

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sealed class KmlUnitsType

A KML units type object. Use the KmlUnitsType enumeration (either via the KmlImageCoordinate.xUnits and KmlImageCoordinate.yUnits properties or via the KmlImageCoordinate.KmlImageCoordinate(Double, Double, KmlUnitsType, KmlUnitsType) constructor) to establish the KML image coordinate system. Values of type fraction must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values below 0.0 will be set to 0.0, and values above 1.0 will be set to 1.0. If a non-integral number is specified with a unit type of device-independent pixels (KmlUnitsType.Pixels or KmlUnitsType.InsetPixels), it will be rounded down to a whole number (e.g. 2.243 will be rounded to 2.0).

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A KML viewpoint object. A KML viewpoint contains all information about the KML camera and look at point.

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sealed class KmlViewpointType

The list of view types. This is used to determine the KML viewpoint types.

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sealed class KmlViewRefreshMode

The list of KML view refresh modes. Defines the view-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.