The metadata of a utility network. Includes metadata such as domain networks, network sources, and so on.
Gets a value indicating the supported utility network capabilities. Use this property to determine which operations are available for this utility network.
The collection of utility network categories in the utility network metadata. An UtilityCategory is used to define a characteristic of an asset in a network. The objects in this collection incorporate semantics of the utility network for subnetwork management and tracing operations.
The collection of domain networks in the utility network metadata. Domain networks organize features in a utility network based on what utility service they provide, such as natural gas, water, electricity, or structural elements like poles or conduits.
The com.arcgismaps.geometry.Envelope representing the service territory area used to define the UtilityNetwork. This is the extent of the network topology (i.e., the extent of the service territory plus a small buffer).
The network attributes in the utility network definition. An UtilityNetworkAttribute is an attribute that is copied and stored in the topological index. The utility network tracing task can read and make decisions using network attributes that are stored in the topological index.
The collection of network sources in the utility network definition. UtilityNetworkSource objects represent various sources of network information such as structures, lines, junctions, and associations.
The utility network schema version number reported by the utility network metadata. Only certain schema versions are supported by this API.
Returns the UtilityTerminalConfiguration objects defined for this utility network.
Gets the domain network with the specified name.
Gets the associated network attribute with the specified network attribute name.
Gets the associated network source with the specified network source name.
Queries for a subset of UtilityRule objects that apply to a set of UtilityAssetType. Use this method to return network rules applicable to features of specific asset types. Limiting these asset types to those features being edited can substantially reduce the number of network rules returned.