Editor tracking information indicates who can edit features of an ArcGIS feature service. Editor tracking allows you to record who made edits and when the edits were applied. This can help you enforce accountability and quality control of the features you add to the geodatabase. If EditorTrackingInfo.editorTrackingEnabled is true, this editing information is recorded against each edited feature using the fields specified in the EditFieldsInfo. For more information, see Editor tracking for feature services.
You can obtain EditorTrackingInfo from the ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.editorTrackingInfo.
True if anonymous users are allowed to delete features, false otherwise. True if an error occurs.
True if anonymous users are allowed to update features, false otherwise. True if an error occurs.
True if users other than the owner are allowed to delete, false otherwise. False if an error occurs.
True if users other than the owner are allowed to update, false otherwise. False if an error occurs.
True if editor tracking is enabled, false otherwise. If true, the feature service will record who added or edited the data and when the edit is made. This information is stored in fields that the data owner defined when they enabled editor tracking on the feature service. You can obtain these edit field names from ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.editFieldsInfo. For more information, see Editor tracking for feature services.
True if ownership-based access control is enabled, false otherwise. The data owner can restrict people from accessing features they do not own using Ownership-based access control. For more information, see Ownership-based access control for feature services.