Parameters used to create an OfflineMapSyncJob. To create OfflineMapSyncParameters, you need to create an OfflineMapSyncTask by using the offline map (com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap). You can then obtain the default OfflineMapSyncParameters for the offline map by calling OfflineMapSyncTask.createDefaultOfflineMapSyncParameters. If necessary, you can modify these default parameters to specify the OfflineMapSyncParameters.syncDirection, for example.
True if the upload or downloaded delta geodatabases are removed at the end of the sync job, false otherwise. A delta geodatabase is a file that contains the changes that have occurred since a mobile replica was last synchronized with its feature service. See [] for an overview of the delta files used in synchronization.
Determines whether update packages will be downloaded from an online map area and applied to the map's data. If your map was taken offline with a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters.updateMode of PreplannedUpdateMode.DownloadScheduledUpdates or PreplannedUpdateMode.DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures, you can set this property to PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption.DownloadAllUpdates to download and apply update packages to your offline geodatabases.
True if a geodatabase feature service replica branch version automatically reconciles with the default branch upon sync, false otherwise. This property only applies to feature services that are branch versioned and where the com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.SyncCapabilities.supportsBranchVersionReconcile value is true.
True if the geodatabase feature service synchronization should roll back on a failure, false otherwise. The default value is false (no rollback on failure).
The synchronization direction for geodatabases registered with feature services. This property applies to any geodatabases that are registered for feature service synchronization. It does not apply to geodatabases which use scheduled updates.