
A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable connected to a feature service. A ServiceGeodatabase connects to a feature service as a whole, grouping together ServiceFeatureTable instances for related records queries, connecting to a version in a branch-versioned service, and managing edits for all tables.




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constructor(portalItem: PortalItem, versionName: String = "", sessionType: FeatureServiceSessionType = FeatureServiceSessionType.Transient)

Creates a new ServiceGeodatabase from a feature service portal item, and connects to a specific version in the feature service. If a version with the name does not exist, or the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.

constructor(url: String, versionName: String = "", sessionType: FeatureServiceSessionType = FeatureServiceSessionType.Transient)

Creates a new ServiceGeodatabase connected to a specific version in a feature service. If a version with the name does not exist, or the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.


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The collection of feature tables managed by the ServiceGeodatabase.

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The name of the default version.

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The metadata of the service this object is connected to.

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The type of read and edit sessions to use when working with the service. The default value is com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.FeatureServiceSessionType.Transient.

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Whether the service supports branch versioning.

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val url: String?

The URL of the feature service or the portal item to connect to. Use com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.url to get the feature service URL.

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The name of the version the ServiceGeodatabase is currently connected to. To change the version this ServiceGeodatabase is connected to, use the ServiceGeodatabase.switchVersion method.

Inherited properties

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open override val loadStatus: StateFlow<LoadStatus>

The load status.


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Applies all local edits in all tables to the service. This method applies all feature table edits to the feature service as a single transaction. If one of the edits fails, all edits are rolled-back, and geodatabase integrity is preserved. This is the recommended approach to applying edits and is typically more efficient than calling ServiceFeatureTable.applyEdits on each table.

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suspend fun close(): Result<Unit>

Closes this service geodatabase. A request to stop any active reading or editing sessions with the feature service is sent and once this asynchronous process is complete, this service geodatabase will be closed.

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Creates a new version in the service based on the default version. Branch versioning requires that the default version always be the ancestor of all other versions.

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Gets a list of all versions on the service. If the service isn't branch versioned, an ErrorType.MappingBranchVersioningNotSupportedByService is thrown.

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Returns a service feature table object from the ID of a layer or table in the service. If a table instance for the layer already exists in ServiceGeodatabase.connectedTables, the existing object will be returned. Otherwise, a new ServiceFeatureTable will be created.

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Determines if any of the tables in the ServiceGeodatabase have unapplied edits.

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suspend fun switchVersion(versionName: String): Result<Unit>

Switches all connected feature tables to the new version. An error is thrown if:

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suspend fun undoLocalEdits(): Result<Unit>

Undos all of the local edits in all the tables.

Inherited functions

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open override fun cancelLoad()

Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.

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open suspend override fun load(): Result<Unit>

Loads the metadata for the object.

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open suspend override fun retryLoad(): Result<Unit>

Loads or retries loading metadata for the object.